Buzz LightWaves
Force & Plate Motion
Space & Magnetic Fields
Plate Motion Rocks!
I'm going through chaaaanges

The measure of a wave that represents the distance from peak to peak

What is wavelength? 


The formula that represents the relationship between acceleration, force and mass. 

What is F=ma? 


Stored energy

What is potential energy? 


This rock is formed from cooled lava. 

What is igneous rock? 


a bone or body part that two animals have in common,  denoting a possible common ancestor

What is a shared structure? 


The color that is perceived when all visible light is absorbed

What is black? 

Down in the center of the Earth, this layer is solid due to immense pressure

What is the inner core? 


a system in which wires are coiled around a battery

What is an electromagnet? 


The layer of Earth beneath the outer layer that is responsible for plate motion

What is the mantle? 
Old bones and imprinted rocks that allow paleontologists to make inferences about previous life on Earth
What are fossils? 

A more dependable signal that converts wavelengths into binary code and then back into wavelengths. 

What is a digital signal? 


The variable in a science experiment that is manipulated / changed by the scientist

What is the independent variable? 


A force that pulled rocks and dust together to form the Solar System

What is Gravity? 


This type of plate boundary is shown to form trenches 

What is a convergent plate boundary? 


a process in which adaptive traits determine an individual's likelihood to survive in a particular environment

What is natural selection? 


The measure of a wave that represents how many times a peak is present in 1 second

What is frequency? 

The direction a ball would go in if a force of 10 Newtons was applied to the left and a 20 Newton force was applied to the right

What is the right? 


Describing our universe, this word suggests that our galaxies are constantly moving away from each other

What is expanding? 


A seismic wave that can go through solids, liquids and gasses

What is a P-wave? 


The rock layer with the more recently formed fossils in it

What is layer A? 

The processes arrows (1) and (2) best represent in this diagram

What is absorption and reflection? 


The question to the following answer: 

A ball sits on a wooden shelf with 10 joules of potential energy. A little girl bumps into the shelf and the ball falls. About a quarter of the way down, the ball is shown to have 3 joules of kinetic energy. How many joules of potential energy will the ball have at that same moment? 

What is 7 joules? 


The celestial body that has the greatest effect on Earth's tides

What is the moon? 


A break in plates that has been found to be a common  location for earthquakes and volcanic activity

What is a fault? 


A reason for why there are differences in different species' shared structures

What is to survive and adapt to their particular environment?