Hill Country Facts

Who do you think the most caring person you know is?(Teachers can call on students to share their responses)

Various answers


To have integrity, it means you should do the right thing only when people are watching.

True or False?

False, you should do the right thing whether anyone is watching.  You do the right thing to show integrity, not to be rewarded for it.


Being responsible means ________________.

A.  Bringing your supplies to class every day

B.  Doing your homework every night

C.  Finishing your chores before going outside to play

D. All of the above

D.  These are all great examples of being responsible

Of these 5 steps on how to hold yourself accountable, which is the most important?

1. Start Small
2. Set goals
3. Create a schedule
4. Reward yourself
5. Have an accountability buddy

Trick question, these are ALL important steps to becoming more accountable


Which cartoon character shows the most grit?

A. Bart Simpson

B. Mulan

C. Peter Griffin

B. Mulan never gave up even though she faced lots of hardships and unfair treatment


Who is our FACE coordinator who helps out all around the school to hype up games, post events on parent square, and tons of other things for our campus?

Mr. Martinez


Who is the most caring character below?

A. John Wick

B. Captain Hook

C. Scar

D. Winnie the Pooh

D. Winnie the Pooh is always putting others feelings ahead of his own.


Have you ever been asked to do something from a friend that you knew wasn't right?  What did you do?

(one student can share out loud to the class)

We have all been put in a position that we felt uncomfortable doing, and how we handle that situation shows if we have integrity or not.


Do you consider yourself to be responsible? Why?

Turn and talk to your neighbor/group and discuss this question (be honest with yourself and your group)

If you believe you are responsible than that is awesome keep it up!

If you are self aware that you are not responsible, than that is great you realized that and can make the change today!


Why is accountability important? 

A.  To have better self awareness

B. To be better at goal setting

C. To have a growth mindset

D. Increased self confidence

E. All of the above

E. These are all benefits of being accountable


You and your friends decide to build a club house in the woods behind your house.  Two months later and it is still not finished.  It is much harder than you expected and are experiencing lots of setbacks.  If you and your friends have grit, what should you do?

A.  Go back to the drawing board and come up with a plan to finish your project in a timely manner

B.  Cancel the entire project and go play at the park

C. Quit building and play video games

A. If you have true grit you will never give up, and find a way to complete your committments


Name three teachers that are NOT in your grade level.

Various answers (check with your teacher)


Your friend is struggling in math class, if you really cared about them, what should you do?

A.  Let them copy your homework

B. Let them cheat off you on the test

C.  Don't sit with them because they will only slow  you down

D.  Help them understand the material by showing them the steps to solve the problem

D.  caring means you will teach them how to solve it, not just giving them the answer


Having integrity means ______________.

A. accepting the consequences for doing the right thing

B. Keeping the $5 you found on the cafeteria floor

C.  Lying to your parent about eating the last cookie so you don't get in trouble

A.  It is more important to be honest and accept the consequences of your actions, than lying to get out of something.


Who is the most responsible person you know? Why?

(Teachers allow 2 students to share their answer)

various answers


What can you do to become more accountable?

A. Be tardy to class

B. Barrow a pencil every day

C. Be honest

D. Forget your computer login

C.  if your are an honest person, people know they can count on you


If you are struggling in your hardest class but want to show that you have true grit, what should you do?

A.  Give up and take a failing grade

B.  Copy your friends HW so you can get a passing grade

C.  Stay in the bathroom all period so you don't have to take the test

D.  Study, asking questions, check your work, keep trying even though it is very difficult

D.  Being successful in the hardest things in life are the most rewarding, never give up!


What was the score of the first basketball game this season?

64-14 SST Hawks won!!! 

If you did not know this, you should come to the games and support the team and your classmates.  Some SST campuses have basketball teams that are in 4th and 5th grade, and we would love to expand into those grades next year if we have enough interest!


Caring for others means ________________. 

A. shouting at others

B. looking after others and being kind

C. Giving your friends the answers to the homework

D. Letting a friend cheat on the test because they didn't study

B.  always be kind to others, even if they are not kind themselves.  If someone is not a kind person it is probably because no one was ever kind to them and that is how they think they need to act to survive.  Those people need the most kindness shown to them the most!


You have made a new friend in class but in few days you saw that your friend starts to ignore you and not care about you because he/she has got new set of friends, what would you do? 

A. I would also make new friends to make him/ her feel jealous.

B. I will tell everyone how bad he/she is. 

C. I will still talk to him/ her because we are still friends.

C.  Just because someone does something to you that might hurt your feelings, does not mean you should do it back.  If you have good integrity then you should still talk with them and hopefully that person will see how cool and nice you are.


Which is NOT an example of showing responsibility?

A.  Telling your friends you cannot hang out today because you have to study for a test

B.  Holding your little sisters hand when when leaving at the end of the day, instead of goofing off with your friends in the gym

C.  Playing video games with your friends instead of finishing your homework

C.  Part of being responsible is weighing your options about what is more important and what is the right thing to do.

What does being accountable mean? Discuss with your neighbors what you think it means.

Having accountability means having an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for ones own actions.

Whare is a characteristic of grit?

A. Courage

B. Perseverance

C. Resilience

D.  Passion

E. All of the above

E. All of the above

What is our fearless leaders name (our principal)?

Mr. Bulut


If a student you do not know in the hallway drops their binder and all of their stuff falls out on the ground, what should you do?

A.  Walk around them because you have to be on time to class

B.  Help them pick up their belongings so they do not get trampled on in the hall way

C.  Kick there stuff around so they have to scramble to get their things

B.  Even if you do not know the person, you should still be caring and willing to help them out.  


What movie teaches you about integrity?

A. Pinocchio

B. Nightmare before Christmas

C. 101 Dalmatians

D. Dumb and Dumber

A.  Pinocchio learned it is important not to lie and his integrity is more important


What do you do if you have a test tomorrow but you have soccer practice after school?

A. Go to practice, eat dinner, chat with friends, then go to bed

B. Skip practice and study all night

C. Go to practice, eat dinner, study, get some sleep

C.  You have a responsibility to both your soccer team AND your school work.  You should not skip practice because it is your responsibility to have time management to be able to do BOTH activities.  If you cannot manage both sports and academics then your school work should come first and should consider this in the following season if you can handle both.


Which is something you can always count on?

A.  The Dallas Cowboys

B.  Your best friend

C.  the weather

D. The internet

B.  You should always be able to count on your best friend


When it comes to your integrity, what is grit?

A. Small loose particles of stone or sand

B.  Course sandstone

C. Courage and resolve, strength of character

C. Always finish what you start, committing to your goals and working hard!!!


How many basketball teams does SST Hill Country have?

4- MS Girls, MS Boys, 9th/10th, and 11th JR Varsity