What does SSundee call his stupid counterpart that always makes puns?
What is SSundee's latest minigame?
Storage Wars
How many subs does SSundee have?
19.3 Million
What does ssundee say at the beggining of every video?
Hit that like button
How many people does SSundee play Crazy Craft with?
4 (BiffleWiffle, Sigils, Henwy and Nicovald)
What is SSundee's most recent Minecraft series?
insane craft
How many kinds of table games has SSundee played?
4 (War, 21, Spoons, Board Games)
What is SSundee's most liked video to date?
The first episode of his Hardcore Minecraft series.
Four letter word that SSundee says a lot.
Who has more subscribers, BiffleWiffle or Sigils?
In Minecraft, how many series has SSundee done on Minecraft Prisons, and what does he call each one of them?
4, Jail Break.
How many episodes of Spoons has SSundee done in Fortnite?
What is SSundee's wife's name?
WWhat does ssundee sing to the emote "glitter"?
What country is Crainer from?
What is SSundee's Minecraft girlfriend in crazy craft called?
How many boss games has SSundee played?
How old is SSundee?
whatever free points
What word does Russel have to autotune all of the time?
Who is Russel?
Ssundee's editor
What happens in SSundee's "What is Minecraft" series?
Every two minutes, all of the crafting recipes get switched around.
What is SSundee's full name?
Ian Marcus Stapleton
What word will you put me in jail for doing that SSundee used to say a lot?
Who does SSundee play Troll Craft with?
MrCrainer and CaptainSparkles