Words Words Words
Causes of the Civil War
The winner of the 1860 Election and first Republican president. 

Who is "Honest" Abraham Lincoln.


The battle of Fort Sumter starts the Civil War with Confederates shelling the fort in this southern city's harbor

What is Charleston, South Carolina. 


Lincoln encourages the north to continue to fight for liberty, however most people remember the first line of this speech that starts "Four score and seven years ago"

What is the Gettysburg Address


Thanks to this mode of transportation, northern factories could have supplies sent to the front line within 24 hours.

What are railroads. 


This was the most controversial law of the Compromise of 1850.

What is the Fugitive Slave Law. 

Genius military commander whose strategy kept the South in the war for 4 years.

Who is Robert E. Lee?


General Grant shows his respect to General Lee after his surrender at this battle.

What is the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse


"Let us pass over the river and rest under the shades of the trees." These were the last words of this defensive general. Lee's right hand man. 

Who is Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson


An advantage of the North was its strong economy, unlike the South who printed too much money causing this. 

What is inflation. 


The spreading of slavery was a key issue of the Civil War, this president did not help that issue when he added more land than any other president. 

Who is James K. Polk


Before he was the 18th President, this general made a name for himself at Vicksburg before becoming the overall commander of Union forces.

Who is General Ulysses S. Grant?


Europe avoids the American Civil War thanks to this battle

What is the battle of Antietam. 


The January 1, 1863 declaration "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."

What is the Emancipation Proclamation. 


Besides leadership this was the South's only other advantage.

What is total value of exports. 


The US tried to maintain a balance between free and slave states, that is until this state joined the Union in 1850.

What is California. 


His path of fiery destruction could be seen from Atlanta to Savannah.

Who is William T. Sherman?


Sherman's final stop on his "March to the Sea"

What is Savannah

The judge or court should (and must) have any person who is being detained brought forward so that the legality of that person's detention can be assessed

What is habeas corpus?


With the South's limited advantages they did have some of the best military minds after they attended this directional school. 

What is WestPoint Military Academy 


This abolitionist was partially responsible for "Bleeding Kansas" and the raid at Harpers Ferry in Virginia. 

Who is John Brown. 


He was a former Mississippi Senator who rose in the ranks to become the President of the Confederacy.

Who is Jefferson Davis?


The bend of this river was why the Union had to siege Vicksburg.

What is the Mississippi River


When describing how the South will be disciplined after the Civil War, Lincoln said in this speech, "with malice towards none, with charity towards all."

What is the 2nd Inaugural Address


Winfield Scott's battle strategy led to a Northern advantage with this suffocating plan.

What is the Anaconda Plan.


The Missouri Compromise added Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and created a border for slavery in the Louisiana Territory at the border of these two states.  

What are Missouri and Arkansas.