Golden Age
Journeys of Ibn Battuta
High Schools in
Houston County

Religion in Arabia up to Muhammad's ministry

What is a mixture of polytheism and monotheism, such as Judaism and Christianity?


Islam spread into West Africa along the trade route (s) pictured below 

What is the Trans-Saharan Trade Network? 

Ibn Sina/Avicenna wrote this book, which was used in European universities into the 1600s 

What is the Canon of Medicine? 


Though he found this East Asian kingdom "very beautiful", he "did not like it very much", and often stayed indoors during this time there 

What is China? 


The true story behind the "founding" of Rome may never be known - but we do know that Roman culture was influenced by these three civilizations 

What is Greek, Etruscan, and Latin? 


Third oldest high school in Houston County, opened in 1963, and where Mr. Boone spent 17 years as a teacher

What is Northside? 


The HEGIRA, or HIJIRA, refers to this event in early Islamic history 

What is Muhammad's escape to Medina to escape potential assassination? 


Besides Islam, name one other faith that was spread throughout South and Southeast Asia through missionary and commercial activity

What is Buddhism or Hinduism?


The House of THIS was located in Baghdad - it was either: 

1. a library and school devoted to the preservation of knowledge, both past and present 

2. a reference to the general atmosphere of intellectualism in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate

What is Wisdom?


Battuta spent some years in this South Asian Muslim kingdom serving as both a judge and ambassador

What is the Delhi Sultanate? 

Roman magistrate that could call the Assemblies and Senate into session, and could veto legislation .. they were also "sacrosanct" and any attempt to "harm" them could result in severe legal penalty 

Who were the tribunes? 


The year VHS opened

What is 2010?


The Shahadah is this, the most basic of Islamic beliefs 

What is there is no God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet?


Term that refers to any place inhabited by a majority of Muslims or ruled by Muslims 

What is Dar al-Islam?


Several Muslim astronomers challenged the belief of the Greek astronomer Ptolemy that the stars were this 

What is fixed in the sky? 


In this West African empire, Battuta was puzzled by the prominent role women played in both religion and commerce 

What is Mali? 


The princeps, or first citizen, was a euphemism for emperor first used by this great-nephew of Julius Caesar  

Who is Augustus or Octavian?

Before VHS, the youngest high school in this county

What is Houston County?


In a final speech, Muhammad stated "Anyone who has me as his mawla [guardian, protector, lord] has ʿAlī as his mawla"... confusion over the exact meaning of the term mawla later led to THIS 

What is the Sunni-Shia split? 


Islam spread into Southeast Asia largely along this maritime trade route  

What is the Indian Ocean Trade Network? 


Medical achievements of the Muslim peoples during the Golden Age 

What are hospitals, stitches, C-sections, new discoveries about blood flow, etc.? 


Battuta is often compared to this Italian merchant who traveled to China approximately 70 years before he did 

Who is Marco Polo?


During the 3rd century, the Roman Empire underwent a crisis that included civil wars, monetary inflation, famine, and an outbreak of this 

What is plague?


Established in 1956, its colors are gold and maroon 

What is Perry High? 


The Umayyads initially opposed Muhammad's ministry as it reduced their political and economic control of this city 

What is Mecca? 


Muhammad's call to seek THIS can partially explain the interest of Muslims in the various fields of math, science, philosophy, medicine, etc. 

What is knowledge/learning? 


"Both sides of the river were for miles fronted by the palaces, kiosks, gardens the grandees and nobles, marble steps led down to the water's edge, and river was animated by thousands of gondolas, decked with little flags, sunbeams on the water, and carrying the pleasure seeking .... citizens of the city to the other." 

The above quote describes commercial & social life in this city, the capital of the caliphate that, at least officially, ruled the Muslim world from 750-1258

What is Baghdad? 


Most people in the West did not know of Battuta's travels until his works were "discovered" in this century 

What is the 19th? 


Issues the Edict of Milan in the early 4th century, granting Christians toleration in the Roman Empire 

Who is Constantine?


The oldest high school in Houston County, established in 1944 and originally housed in building that later became Rumble Middle School 

Mr. Boone is also an alumnus!!! 

What is Warner Robins High? 


750 - The Battle of the Zab River in modern-day Iraq marks the official end of the _______ caliphate and the beginning of the _________ caliphate. 

What is the Umayyad & Abbasid? 


The sack of Baghdad by Mongol forces led by Hulegu, the grandson of THIS MAN, marks the official end of the Abbasid Caliphate

What is Genghis Khan?

Muslim scholarly works became more common in Europe as a result of cultural exchange between Europeans and Muslims in this region 

What is the Mediterranean?  


Late in his life, Battuta visited THIS CITY in Western Europe, whose "environs have not their equal in any country in the world. They extend for the space of forty miles …. Around it on every side are orchards, gardens, flowery meads, noble buildings, and vineyards."   

What is Granada? 


The eastern portion of the Roman Empire is often referred to as this after the fall of the Western Empire in 476 CE 

What is the Byzantine Empire? 


High school mascot named after a "Screaming" fighter squadron based at Robins AFB during WWII 

Who are the Demons?