Foreign Aid
Cold War Crises
Policies and Organizations
Domestic Concerns
Offering mass aid for Europe's rebuilding efforts, was an attempt by the United States to limit the spread of this in Western Europe after WWII.
What is communism?
The United States and Great Britain broke the USSR's Berlin Blockade by airlifting supplies into the city, allowing West Berlin to remain ...
What is free of Soviet control and democratic?
Membership in the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank demonstrates that the United States had abandoned this previous policy.
What is isolationism?
This term describes the practice of hounding alleged Communists in America.
What is McCarthyism?
Name the policy that this quote is referring to: "I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures...I ask the Congress to authorize the detail of American civilian and military personnel to Greece and Turkey..."
What is the Truman Doctrine and containment policy?
The U.S. strategy of intervening with money, weapons, and soldiers in other nations to prevent the spread of communism.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
This was the main success for the United States in the Korean War.
What is communism was contained without the use of nuclear weapons?

This was the purpose of NATO.

What is NATO was primarily intended to deter aggression from the USSR, and an attack on any NATO member was to be considered an attack on all?


What did the Rosenburg's claim was the reason they were being accused of passing information to the USSR?

What is they claimed they were being persecuted for holding unpopular beliefs. 


How did Churchill describe the relationship between Eastern & Western Europe post WWII?

What is The Iron Curtain?

The U.S. strategy of offering money to any country that wanted help to rebuild after WWII (and that promised to stay capitalist).
What is the Marshall Plan?
The reason why President Truman dismissed General Douglas MacArthur from the Korean War.
What is MacArthur wanted to launch an attack (including nuclear) against and into China?

President Eisenhower cut millions in defense spending with a new defense policy which threatened the use of nuclear weapons to fight communism. The new defense policy was known as this.

What is massive retaliation/brinkmanship and a "new look military"?


The House Committee on Un-American Activities fear of infiltration in American Media led to what?

What is Hollywood Blacklists, loss of careers, and censorship in Hollywood media?


What historic event from U.S. history can be compared to McCarthyism?

What is the Salem Witch Trials (1692)?


What was the U.S. response to the Berlin Blockade?

What is the Berlin Airlift?

The Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik I in 1957 led to an escalation of this branch off the 1950's Arms Race.
What is the Space Race?

What event was viewed as a major failure of containment in Asia?

What is the fall of China (1949)

The definition of McCarthyism.
What is accusations not supported by evidence?

What was the USSR response to the U.S. formation of NATO in Europe?

What is The Warsaw Pact?


This is the reason why the United States implemented the Marshall Plan in Western Europe after WWII.

What is to set up democratic governments in the region?


Following the resolution of WWII, the U.S. became the worlds sole superpower. What did the USSR engage with the U.S. in to become a the second global superpower?

What is the 1950's Arms Race?

Name the speech that this quote comes from: "It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world...Our policy is directed...against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Its purpose should permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist." - Speech by the Secretary of State, June 5, 1947.
What is the Marshall Plan?

What were the Rosenburg's convicted of after being accused of giving Nuclear information to the USSR?

What is Espionage?


This was the purpose for establishing the United Nations.

What is to promote peace and unity and another world war?