Bible Phrases
Jesus Death
Bible Characters
Bible Places

When Jesus entered Jerusalem on palm Sunday, the very large crowd shouted HOSANNA to the son of David which means this.

What is Lord Save US?


On the cross, this man told Jesus "remember me when you come into you kingdom"?

Who is one of the criminals or the thieves that was crucified with Jesus?


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, this person went to the tomb and saw the stone had been removed from the entrance.

Who is Mary Magdalene?


Most of the Psalms in the old testament were written and sung by this man.

Who is King David?


Daniel was taken into captivity to this place

Where is Babylon?


Jesus raised a little girl from the dead when He took with him Peter, James, and John along with the girl's father and mother. Jesus said to her Talitha Koum which means

What is " Little girl, I say to you, get up!"?


Judas Iscariot Jesus's disciple betrayed him with a kiss and with this amount of money "of silver"

What is thirty pieces of silver?


After his resurrection, Jesus asked the women to tell his disciples and "this disciple" that he is going ahead of them into Galilee.

Who is Peter?


This great judge of Israel, the son of Hannah anointed Saul then David to be kings of Israel.

Who is Samuel ?


Saul of Tarsus was on his way to this city when he saw Jesus appear to him

Where is Damascus? 


On the cross, Jesus shouted with a loud voice, saying , Eli, Eli lema sabachthani? Meaning this in English.

What is "my God my God why have you forsaken me?


On the cross above his head they placed "this" written charge against him

What is "This is Jesus, the king of the Jews"?


When Jesus appeared to his disciples he rebuked them for this.

What is their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe his resurrection?


On his way to the cross, they met this man from Cyrene, and they forced him to carry the cross.

Who is Simon?


Jesus had to go through this place to meet a woman by Jacoub's  well and asked her to give him water to drink

Where is Samaria?


Jesus was crucified at the place called Golgotha which means this.

What is the place of the skull?


After Jesus's death, this rich man from Arimathea who had become a disciple of Jesus, going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body to bury it.

Who is Joseph?


Jesus appeared to two of the disciple who were going to a village called this.

What is Emmaus?


This Moabite woman, after marrying Boaz from Israel, became the great grandmother of King David

Who is Ruth?


The ascension of Jesus happened in this place

Where is Bethany? or Where is the mount of olives?


In his greetings and farewell to the church in Corinth (1st Letter to the Corinthians), St. Paul used the Aramaic word Maranatha which means this in English.

What is "O Lord Come"?


Jesus cried out again in a loud voice and gave up his spirit, at that moment these three things happened.

What is 1- the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom 2- the earth shook, the rocks split 3- the tombs brock open and the bodies of many holy people who had died where raised to life.


 Jesus sent his disciples to preach the gospel to the world and these signs will accompany those who believe.

What is 1- They will drive out demons 2- They will speak in new tongues 3- the will pick up snakes and drink deadly poison and it will not hurt them 4-they will lay their hands on sick people and they will get well.


This prophet is called the weeping prophet and he wrote two books in the old testament.

Who is Prophet Jeremiah?


This is the island where John the apostle saw the revelation

Where is Crete?