ROBOTically challenged

In MIS, inflation of the abdominal or thoracic cavity with CO2 gas

What is insufflation


The ________________ is the receptable for the camera. It contains the controls for light intensity, white balance and resolution

What is the camera control unit (CCU)


Refers to the process of moving the patient cart into position and locking the instrument arms in place (Davinci system only)

What is docking


This receives visual date from the telescope and allows the surgeon to view structures without looking directly into the telescope

What is the video camera


In ___________, the active electrode comes in contact with another conductive instrument causing burns.

What is direct coupling


A procedure for adjusting the light color of the video camera to other components of the system

What is white balance


The surgeon inflates the abdomen with CO@ through large bore needle called Verres, or trocar fitted for CO2 insufflation. This is called...

What is pneumoperitoneum


Refers to surgical instruments that can be reprocessed a limited number of times. After that they must be safely discarded.

What is reposable


The ST should always hold the telescope by it's ______ end and never by the tip or shaft

What is head (heavier)


___________ is used to coagulate and cut through tissue

What is high frequency bipolar electrosurgery


The direction in which the lenses is focused on the image. Usually 0, 30, 45 or 70 degrees.

What is the optical angle


Large specimens and dense tissue are reduced to small pieces by a process called

What is morcellation


A robotic system component in which the surgeon sits or stands to manipulate the surgical instruments remotely and control other devises used in the system.

What is the surgeon console


The number and location of trocar/cannulas needed for a procedure depend on...

What is the operative anatomy involved


When passing and instrument to the surgeon, always orient the instrument so that the working tip points...

What is downward


When the telescope enters the body, the temp difference can _____ the lens.

What is fog


A rigid telescope contained within a cutting and coagulation instrument and used in the sectional removal of tissue

What is a resectoscope


This procedure is an open procedure. The blunt trocar is inserted carefully into the abdominal wall through an incision. It is sutured in place and the CO2 delivered directly into the abdomen through the trocar.

What is the Hasson technique


A __________ is used to create ports of channels through the body wall for the insertion of MIS instruments

What is a trocar of cannula system


Gynecological patients and those undergoing surgery on the prostate are placed in what position

What is lithotomy


This connects the camera to the telescope and is specific to the type of camera and scope in use

What is the endocoupler


After precleaning, the endoscope must be ________

What is leak tested


The receptable for the surgical instruments and endoscope which are inserted into designated arms

What is the bedside unit


____________ is a technique used in arthroscopic MIS, hysteroscopy and cystoscopy. Fluid is instilled into a body cavity or space to expand it and removal small tissue fragments and blood generated during surgery as these can obscure the view through the telescope.

What is continuous irrigation


_____________ occurs when stray electrical current is transmitted from an electrosurgical instrument or other conductive material to tissue, even though no break in the insulation may be apparent. 

What is capacitative coupling