What is the Pentateuch for the Jews?
The Torah
What plant can live up to two years without water?
The cactus
Which movie has the highest box office gross in history?
What is the most consumed dish in Italy?
The pizza
What was the name of the famous Argentine Marxist revolutionary guerrilla leader in Cuba?
Che Guevara
Which prophet was devoured by a big fish?
The evolution of this body part allowed amphibians to live on land. What is it?
"Legs" or "Lungs"? (I take both answers separately)
What is Eminem's biggest hit?
"Lose Yourself"
What is the traditional Polish spirit made from fermented grains, usually rye or wheat?
The Polish Vodka
With what animal did General Hannibal from Cartagena (247 BC) cross the Alps?
With elephants
Which character among the wisdom books is believed to be a literary work to justify suffering?
Which organelle produces ATP through cellular respiration?
Who is Orlando Bloom married to?
Name 5 official languages spoken in Spain.
The spanish (castilian), catalan, valencian, galician and the basque (euskera)
Name three of the seven founding fathers
(If you guess more correct names you win 100 points for each name, if they are incorrect you lose 100 points)
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay or James Madison
Who wrote the hymn to charity and in which letter did he write it?
St. Paul in his first letter to the church of Corinth
Which biomolecule is composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen?
Which rapper interrupted Taylor Swift at VMA's in 2009?
Kanye West
What is the most typical /most consumed type of beer in Germany?
The Pils / Pilsner
Who was it that said:
"If they have no bread? Let them eat brioche!"
"S'ils n'ont pas de pain? Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!"
Queen Marie Antoinette (1755)
Who was the first deacon?
St. Stephen
Which characteristic do all plants, animals, protists, and fungi have in common?
They are eukaryotic / They have a nucleus
What movie is based on the historical character Al Capone?
What word does not exist in Danish that does exist in other languages, and what other word in Danish does not exist in other languages?
"Please" and "hygge"
Which italian mobster from New York was the film "Scarface" inspired by?
Al Capone