All Middle School Class Trips
Who is Mr. Thompson?
Seeking, accepting, giving, or using unauthorized assistance on any assignment
What is Cheating?
A skirt that is too short, an untucked shirt, or not wearing a belt with pants or shorts
What is a Uniform Violation?
High Honors
What is 90 and above?
Served on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:00-4:45, and Friday mornings from 7:30-8:15
What are Detention Halls?
Service Learning in Middle School
Who is Mrs. Madof?
Being truthful to other people and to oneself
What is Honesty?
Chewing gum, eating food or drinking in the Georges MS Building, Running in the halls, lateness, talking, or inappropriate behavior in class
What is a Detention Hall offense?
What is 59 and below?
Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Volleyball
What are SJS Fall Sports?
Health and the MS Clinic
Who is Nurse Flippin?
Taking words, phrases, or ideas from other people's writing without giving proper credit
What is Plagiarism?
Lying, Cheating, Cyber Bullying
What is an Honor Code Violation?
Result of failing one or more subjects or having a grade point average below 70
What is Academic Probation?
Activity periods scheduled during each rotation
What are DaVinci's?
Student Schedules
Who is Ms. Blocker?
Regard for other people's belongings and feelings
What is Respect?
Held during MS Lunch, after-school, or between 8:00-12:00 on Saturdays
What is a Work Hall?
Result of failing a class while on Academic Probation
What is Strict Academic Probation?
Held in the MS Library from 4:00-5:30pm
What are After-School Study Halls?
Who is Mrs. Emily White?
The Motto of St. John's School
What is Faith and Virtue?
The result of serious breaches of discipline or for persistent minor breaches
What is Disciplinary Probation?
The K-8 Academic Support Coordinator
What is Mrs. Valenstein?
Care, Honesty, Courtesy and Consideration, Loyalty and Spirited Devotion, Dignity and Good Taste
What are the Precepts and Principles of St. John's School?