Community and Inclusion
Health and Hygiene
Goals for NextED
Everyday Communcation
St. Louis Facts

What is a Community

  • People who live in the same area.

Neighbors, people in your town

  • A group of people with shared interests. They can rely on each other support.

Church, friends, sports

  • Virtual classes like Skills Class are a community too. We all have the common interest of building employment skills.


Name two reasons why hygiene is important.

  • Customer experience

  • Coworkers’ health & relationships.

  • Health problems

  • Bad hygiene gives the impression you don’t care.

  • What would you do if you saw a coworker not practicing good hygiene?


What are goals?

A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve. People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.


What is an example of Passive Aggressive Communication?



Name the St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues Mascots.

FredBird and Louie.


Being active in a community is only helpful if you are a outgoing person.

True or False


Its is helpful for everyone.


Name 2 ways to be hygienic.

  • Shower            

  • Wash your hands

  • Brush your teeth                

  •  Sneeze or cough into shoulder

  • Wash clothing                        

  • Clean ears and feet

  • Wear deodorant                    

  •  Protect Skin. Lotion.

  • Wash your hair

  • Clip your nails Wipe down surfaces

  • Maintain proper facial hair


What are 2 examples of a long term goal?

Buying a house

Getting Married

Building a Career


What is an example of Visual Communication?

Road Signs Etc. 


Name 2 famous people from St. Louis.

John Goodman


John Hamm

Karlie Kloss

Chuck Berry

Jenna Fischer 


What are some ways to get involved in your community?

  • Use your town’s website to find events, clubs, classes or other opportunities.

  • Church or other spiritual establishments.

  • Social Media can offer online groups for people with common interests.

  • Meetup or other Apps offer a variety of opportunities to grow your professional & personal community.

  • Your workplace can provide various ways to get involved.

  • Network with friends & family to find opportunities that interest you.


Name 1 reason why if we aren't clean how that could lead to sickness?

-Not killing germs or being clean.

-If our space is dirty bacteria can thrive

-Germs can spread more easily if we don't wash hands


Name 1 benefit of having supportive people when working toward a goal.

-They will cheer you on when you go towards your goal.

-Help support you by helping you reach your goals any way they can. Ex. Help drive you to work or training.

- They can listen to and support you if you hit any roadblock towards your goals.


How can you tell someone isn't interested in talking?

Body Language pointed away. One worded answers

What is the name of the new Major League Soccer Team in St.Louis?

St. Louis City SC


Name at least 1 positive effect of being a part of a community.

  • Have Fun and lower Stress! Go to concerts, sporting events, festivals, museums, try new restaurants and learn about different cultures in your area.

  • Opportunities Everywhere! Find new jobs, join clubs, intermural activities, make new friend's and learning opportunities.

  • Support of the People. Transportation options, friends and coworkers helping and uplifting each other.

  • Sense of belonging. Feel a part of the community and be proud to be a important piece that makes it work.


Name 2 everyday practices you can do to help fight sickness?

  1. Wash your hands

  2. Stay away from others who are sick

  3. Avoid touching your face

  4. Clean often touched surfaces

  5. Get Sleep

  6. Work out 

  7. Eat Healthy


What is 1 problem with comparing yourself to others?

  • It can be easy to compare ourselves to others. It is KEY to only compare our progress to ourselves!

  • We all have different goals & our own paths to reach them. 

  • Keeping focus on where we were yesterday compared to today shows us our accomplishments & let’s us see if our plan is working or not.


What is an example of Nonverbal communication?

Gestures, body language. 


What unique to St. Louis company has the following slogan?

 "The square beyond compare"



What are two ways that the St. Louis Arc can help someone get involved in the community?


Arc Connect

Leisure Program 


What does this quote mean?

“You do not need to be perfect. Just better then you were yesterday" 

Keep trying to get better everyday. Do not give up when things are hard.


What is a SMART goal?







What does it mean to have an Assertive communication style?

Being respectfully, but direct communication to properly advocate for ourselves. 


What is this symbol on the St. Louis flag called? 


Fleur De Lis