Who is the Principal?
Ms Coby
Which rooms do the Year 7s have most of their classes?
What are the four Houses at St Mary's?
Barbier, O'Brien, Rice and Ward
In which term is the Athletics carnival traditionally held?
Term 3
What is the other main school expectation at St Mary's after Be Respectful and Be Responsible?
Be Kind
Which teacher is the house ambassador of Rice House?
Mr Thomas
Which room is next to the Maths/Science staff office?
Room 12
What is the design of Nulungu Chapel meant to look like? Is it: A bush shelter, a traditional temple, a gathering hut, or it is just designed to be cyclone-proof
bush shelter
In which term is NAPLAN being held?
Term 1
What is the name of the consequence for being more than 5 minutes late to class with no valid reason?
Name this teacher:
Ms 🌉🙈
Ms Brighid
Which room used to be called P4?
Room 13
What is the first name of the man who Rice house is named after? It is also a name shared by one of the teachers.
What is the name of the Dragon who is the mascot for the Shinju Matsuri festival in Broome?
Sammy the Dragon
What must normally be presented to your teacher to indicate you have a valid reason for being out of class or late to class?
Pink Slip
Which teacher sits in in the corner of the main staff hub closest to the science labs?
Mr Aaron
Which room did IT used to be in?
Room 9
What was the name of this Catholic Secondary school in Broome before it became St Mary's?
Nulungu College
What liturgical celebration is held as a whole-school event in the undercover area on Secondary during Term 1?
Ash Wednesday
What exciting event do students get to participate in if they do not receive a reteach during the term?
Prize Wheel
Which Secondary staff member has worked at St Mary's the longest? - over 30 years!
Ms Carlene
The uniform shop used to be the office for which staff member?
Ms Tracey (when the library was in that building)
What year did Nulungu College combine with St Mary's Primary to become St Mary's College? Was it 1968, 1976, 1987 or 1995?
What hugely significant event for the Catholic Diocese of Broome was held in December last year here at St Mary's?
Installation of Bishop Tim
What is the name of the SMC behaviour mascot from Primary?
Criss Cross