St. Patrick's Day

Lasting from 1845 to 1852, this event caused widespread death and emigration from the island nation.  Not to mention my family moving to the US

What is the Potato Famine?


St. Patrick's Day was originally meant to celebrate the introduction of this to the island of Ireland

What is Christianity?


This famous book was created to settle a pub argument

What is the Guinness Book of World Records?


This river runs 224 miles to the sea, as the longest river in Ireland.  It also shares it's name with a city and one of the most popular female names in the country

What is Shannon?


The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in the US in 1762.  It wasn't until 1903 that the first parade was held in Ireland, in this port city best known for it's fine Irish Crystal

What is Waterford?


The perfect pour of Guinness takes this long according to their international brand manager.  

What is 2 minutes (or 119 1/2 seconds to be exact)?


Although often misattributed as a French invention, this beheading device was invented in Ireland a full 450 years before the French used it

What is the Guillotine?


Irish governmental leaders traditionally send real shamrocks to the sitting US president.  This started in 1952 when John Hearne first sent some to this big bomb-dropping president

Who is Harry Truman?


This Guinness creator first started brewing ales in 1759 at the same St. James Gate location that the brewery stands today.  He also signed a 9000 year lease for 45 pounds a year.  Good deal!

Who is Arthur Guinness?


Located within the Irish province of Munster, this city is also a type of five line poem with famously follows an AABBA rhyming scheme

What is Limerick?


Of course we associate green with St. Patrick's Day, but until the late 17th century the holiday was actually associated with this color

What is Blue?


Drink up!  Due to the antioxidant compounds found in Guinness, it has been shown to have beneficial effects to this important human organ

What is the heart?


This is the only Irish actor to ever portray famous British spy James Bond

Who is Pierce Brosnan?

Clurichauns are the drunken, surly "night-forms" of this creature, and have been rumored to clean out entire wine cellars.

What are Leprechauns?


Although Guinness may appear to be black, it is actually a very dark shade of this color.  Dorothy would approve

What is Ruby?