Which country is St. Patrick the saint of?
On which day is St. Patrick's Day celebrated?
March 17th
What symbol is associated with St. Patrick's Day?
The four leaf clover
True or False: green was the original color of St. Patrick's Day?
False, it was blue
Which religion to St. Patrick bring to Ireland?
A. Christianity B. Catholicism C. Buddhism
A. Christianity
What color is associated with St. Patrick's Day?
What does the four leaf clover bring you?
Good luck
Which US city dyes its river green for St. Patrick's Day?
A. Boston B. NYC C. Chicago
C. Chicago
Where was St. Patrick born?
A. Germany B. Britain C. USA
B. Britain
According to legend, what lies at the end of a rainbow?
A pot of gold
What is the official currency of Ireland?
A. euros B. dollars C. pesos
A. euros
What is the capital of Ireland?
According to legend, what animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland?
A. snakes B. birds C. spiders
A. snakes
True or False: The first known St. Patrick's Day parade occurred in Ireland?
False. The first recorded parade took place in St. Augustine, Florida
Which cereal has a leprechaun as its mascot?
Lucky Charms
What occupation is a leprechaun?
A. shoemaker B. tailor C. chef
A. shoemaker
What year did the first St Patrick's Day celebration happen?
A. 1500 B. 1600 C. 1700
B. 1600
What common meat and vegetable dish is eaten on St. Patrick's Day?
corn beef and cabbage
What three colors are the Irish Flag?
Green, White, and Orange
How many pints of Guinness do drinkers consume on St. Patrick’s Day worldwide?
A. 10 million B. 13 million C. 19 million
B. 13 million