Green history
Green Green and more green
Holiday in America
This or That
MISC of St. Patrick's day

Of which country is Saint Patrick the patron saint?

A. Ireland

B. Scotland

C. Wales



What famous breakfast has green in it?

(Hint: it was popularized from a book)

Green eggs and Ham Sam I am


About how many Americans claim to have some Irish ancestry?

A. None, being Irish is a myth!!!!

B.  31.5 million

C. Idk, maybe like a handful or so

 31.5 million!!!!!!

I hope you didn't pick the other answers


Most people would rather have Emerald green eyes or Emerald green hair

... Mr. Anderson is choosing the emerald green eyes


What delicious cereal has a leprechaun affiliated with it?

Lucky charms, so yummy


Where and when was the first St. Patrick's Day parade ever recorded?

A. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in 1907

B. Dublin, Ireland, in 1802

C. St. Augustine, Florida, in 1601

St. Augustine, Florida, in 1601


What are the odds of finding a "lucky" four-leaf clover?

A. 1 in 10,000

B. 3 in 17

C. 1 in 123,456,789

1 in 10,000


What American city has dyed its river green every St. Patrick's Day since 1962?

A. New York City

B. Seattle

C. Chicago



Most people would rather wear all green for a month or speak in an Irish accent for a year

.....I'm choosing the Irish accent for a year


What Irish phrase means "Erin go bragh" means what?

A.It is not a fish until it is on the bank

B. Ireland Forever

C. As old as Methuselah’s cat

B. Ireland Forever


According to Irish lore, what animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland?

A. Goats

B. Snakes

C. Mice



What's the highest number of leaves ever recorded on a single clover stem?

A. 8

B. 32

C. 56

56, that's a lot of luck!


How many people visit New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral each year?

A. 5 million

B. 1 Billion

C. 8 Billion

5 million

Bonus: About how many people live in the world?


Most people would rather have Green skin or green teeth

Haha I am not sure what is worse


What’s the estimated market value of a leprechaun’s pot of gold (1,000 coins)? 

A. $5 million

B. $1 million

C.$1.92 million

$1.92 million


Why is St. Patrick's Day celebrated on March 17?

A. St. Patrick was born on this date

B. St. Patrick created the holiday on this date

C. It's the day Saint Patrick died in 461 CE.

It's the day Saint Patrick died in 461 CE.

Bonus: How many years ago was this?


How do leprechauns earn their gold?

A. Making and mending shoes

B. Hiding under bridges and collecting taxes from unaware travelers

C. Walking to the end of the rainbow

Making and mending shoes!!!!! I know... I was hoping it was hiding under bridges too...Would've been silly


What is the traditional main dish served at many St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in America?

A. Green eggs and Ham

B. Corned beef and cabbage

C. Lamb and Broccoli 

Corned beef and cabbage


Most people would rather live in Ireland for year dressed like a leprechaun or never visit Ireland at all

I would be embarrassed to dress like a leprechaun


What is the capital of Ireland?

A. Dublin


C. Wexford



St. Patrick was originally associated with what color?

A. Always been green

B. Blue

C. Pink

B for Blue


If you are a broke aspiring artist, what two colors should you buy to make green?

Open ended answer...

Blue and yellow make green!


How many people march in the NYC St. Patrick’s Day parade?

A. The entire NYC area

B. 1 million

C. About 150,000

About 150,000


Most people would like to walk to the end of a rainbow and find gold or walk to the end of a rainbow and find an unicorn

With my gold I could buy 15 unicorns

What must a leprechaun give you if captured?

A. His lucky green socks

B. A box of lucky charms

C. Where to find hidden treasure

Where to find hidden treasure