St. Patrick History
St. Patrick Places
St Patrick Teachings
Green Things
Other Irish Saints

St Patrick is the patron st of this country ...

What is Ireland?


St Patrick used this plant to teach about the Holy Trinity.

What is the shamrock?   The three-leafed clover.


What is St Patrick's favorite color?

What is blue?


The percentage of the Irish population is catholic.

38, 58, 78, 88 or 98 

What 78%?


When St. Patrick first came to Ireland, he was kidnapped and brought there to work as one of these.

He was kidnapped at age 16 by slave traders. And forced to work as a  "slave."


After escaping slavery in Ireland, St Patrick traveled 200 miles to set sail on a ship going to this country.

Back to his family,  
 What is Britain (Scotland)?


St. Patrick is known for driving these out of Ireland.

What are snakes?


The color green is worn during this liturgical season.

What is Ordinary Time?


This saint born in Ireland had a prophecy about how many Popes there would be, the number, and their names.  His name is. 

Who is St Malachy?


The century in which St. Patrick died.

What is the "5th" century, year 461?


After returning home, St Patrick had a dream that he was needed in Ireland, knowing he needed a better education he traveled to this country to be taught by St Germanus and be ordained a Priest...

What is Gaul, Burgundy.  and or Auxerre France?


This most famous prayer of St Patrick contains the words "Christ above me, Christ below me...)

What is St Patrick's Breastplate?


These tiny cabbages are usually despised by children and are named after a city in Belgium.

What are Brussel Sprouts?


This female saint is the Patroness of Ireland.

Who is St Brigid?


St Patrick's father was a governor sent to Britain (Scotland) from this Empire.

What is the Roman Empire.


In the USA, the largest Cathedral named in honor of St Patrick is in this city.

What is New York?


St Patrick worked hard to free the Irish people from oppression placed on them through fear of these pagan "priests".  It starts with a D.

Who were the Druids?


In Ireland, the color green represents this virtue. Either faith, hope, or charity.

What is Hope?


A Patron Saint of Ireland and Scotland and poets, this saint's name sounds a lot like the last word in the full name of Washington DC.

Who is St Columba?


Patrick is a Celtic name, his birth name was a Roman name. What was it?

What is Maewyn Succat.


The town of Scotland St Patrick was believed to have been born.   St Patrick took his name from the town where he was born.   It starts with a K.

What is Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton?  
Now called Old Kilpatrick.


St. Patrick destroyed the stone idol by beating it with his crozier. It broke apart, and the ‘devil’ lurking within it emerged, which Patrick immediately banished to Hell.

This stone idol has been identified as the Killycluggin Stone.


The muppet character, Kermit the Frog, sings this song about his color.

What is "It's not easy being green".


The son of Irish chieftain Sesenen, he softened people to St. Patrick's messages with his beautiful singing.

Who is St. Benignus?