This color was originally associated with St. Patrick's Day before it was changed to green.
What is Blue?
He was kidnapped by pirates.
St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of this Country.
What is Ireland?
The reason you are supposed to wear green on St. Patrick's day.
What is avoid getting pinched?
(By leprechauns)
What are Snakes?
It was said that St. Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland, the truth is, Ireland is an Island and snakes don't live by the Ocean.
The place where St. Patrick used to pray.
What is, at the top of the mountain?
(True or False)
St. Patrick Was Canonized in the 4th Century.
(Canonized = officially declared a saint)
What is False?
St. Patrick was never officially canonized.
The three leaf clover is used to explain this.
What is, God as trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Leprechauns were originally known as magical creatures that had the job of fixing this item.
What are shoes?
(50 points if you can tell me the name of someone who fixes shoes)
The country where was St. Patrick born.
What is Britain?
The reason we celebrate St. Patrick's Day on the 17th of March.
What is the day St. Patrick Died?
They do this to the Chicago River every year to celebrate St. Patrick's day.
The task St. Patrick had to attend to when he first arrived in Ireland.
What is a Sheep Herder?
St. Patrick's Birth Name.
What is Maewyn?
What is, a paralyzed arm?