What color do people dye food on St Patrick's day?
What lies at the end of the rainbow?
A pot of gold!
Lucky the Leprechaun is the mascot of which NBA team?
Boston Celtics
What happens if someone does not wear green on St Patrick's day?
They get bad luck / pinched
Which breakfast cereal has “Lucky the Leprechaun” as its mascot?
Lucky Charms
What shape has become the symbol of St. Patrick's day?
The Shamrock / Clover
What creature comes to visit on St. Patrick's Day?
True or false: Leprechauns are always friendly.
They are often mischievous!
During the Great Famine in Ireland, this Irish crop diminished significantly.
On what day is St. Patrick's Day celebrated?
March 17
Name the 3 colors on the Irish flag.
What color was originally associated with St. Patrick before green became the popular choice?
A famous type of Irish bread
Soda Bread
In Ireland, what does the color green stand for?
What do the leaves of the four leafed clover signify?
Hope, Love, Faith and Luck!
Which city dyes its river green each St. Patrick's Day?
What food is typically eaten in Ireland on St Patrick’s Day?
How do Leprechauns earn their gold?
By mending and making shoes.
According to legends, which animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland completely and that has never returned to the country since?
Which city boasts the largest St. Patrick's day parade in the world?
New York City