Green things
St. Patrick's Day Idioms
St. Patrick's Day Idioms2
Should I or Shouldn't I?
with Bonus
Social Thinking Vocabulary

Name 3 green fruits

Apples, Pears, Grapes etc


I have a green thumb

I'm really good growing plants


The principal gave the student council the "green light" for planning the end of year party. What is giving the "green light?"

What is: giving permission to go ahead


A "1" action makes others feel..

Positive and Proud-- Because it shows you want to help others (helpful) and because you recognize other's efforts & strengths (give compliments)


Expected Behavior

Following the "hidden rules" in a situation to keep other people feeling good about us.


Name 3 green vegetables 

Lettuce, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Bell Pepper


He was green with envy

He was jealous

Mom said you could go to your friend's house if you finish your chores.  Don't push your luck and ask to stay the night.  Push your luck meanse
What is: to ask for more than you are likely to get, if you ask for more, you might lose what you already have.

A "2" Action makes others feel... 

Comfortable and Calm-- Because you had an expected behavior for that situation

People File

We are constantly learning new things about others and "filing" it in our brains so we can recall it later when we see that person again. 


Name 2 drinks that can be green

Mountain Dew, Smoothies, Fruit juices etc


The grass is always greener on the other side

The feeling when other situations seem better than your situation


DAILY DOUBLE: Decide an amount to win. It cannot be higher than your current score. BUT if you get the question wrong, you lose this amount.

Marin, who is on the swim team, said it was "beginner's luck" when I won the swim race.

Beginner's luck means....


A "3" action makes others feel...

Uncomfortable or Confused--Because it keeps people from following the group plan & it was unexpected behavior


Thinking with your eyes

using your eyes to figure out Nonverbal messages other people are sending. Eye gaze, facial expression, body language


This country is the origin of St. Patrick's day



He's a couch potato

He's lazy: He's always watching TV


Friends are worried about Cat because she appears  down on her luck. What does down on your luck mean?

Things are not going well in your life  (lost a job, sickness, mulitple things are not good.)


A "4" action makes others feel...

Stressed or Annoyed-- Because it it highly distracting or it embarrasses others or is mean spirited


Social Fake

Show interest in something that is important to someone else but is boring to you


If you find one of these with 4 leaves, it is supposed to bring good fortune and luck

Shamrock/4 leaf clover



What does it mean to be "going green?"

The office is going green by next year.


What is : recycling, reducing, reusing, and using less resources (not printing on paper, solar, or wind power etc.)


After eating five corn-dogs, an ice cream cone, and going on the roller coaster three times in a row, Al looks green around the gills.

What is...feeling sick.

A "5" action makes others feel...

Very Uncomfortable or Unsafe-- Because against the rules, humiliates other people, it bullies, attacks or belittles others


Your Brain rolled out of the group

Your brain is distracted and other people notice that you are not interested in the group topic even tho your body is sitting in the group.