What is a Marian Apparition?
What is...
a reported supernatural appearance by Mary the mother of Jesus, or a series of related such appearances during a period of time.
What is a Eucharistic Miracle?
What is...
an extraordinary event, where the Eucharist no longer appears under the form of bread and wine, but takes on the biological qualities of human flesh or blood or both.
What are the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church?
What are:
Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick
Why are you Catholic?
1) God exists
2) Jesus is God
3) Jesus started the Catholic Church
What is Fr. Sinisa's last name?
What is...
Name three Marian Apparitions
What are...
What is the recorded blood type of every reported Eucharistic Miracle and how do we characterize this blood type?
Blood type AB, Universal Receiver
What does Baptism cleanse us of?
What is...
original sin AND personal sin
What is Pascals Wager and at one point in a debate about the existence of God would you use it?
It is used as a logical argument when someone is still doubting the existence of God after going through the more solid philosophical and scientific proofs.
What is Fr. Sinisa's coffee order?
What is...
small, hot, one pumpkin, one cream
What are three scientifically unexplainable qualities of St. Juan Diego's tilma in Mexico City?
What is...
has survived bombing/fire
always maintains temperature of 98.6
cactus fiber cloth has not deteriorated
Where is the shroud of Turin?
Where is...
Turin, Italy
When is one eligible to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
When is...
very ill, undergoing procedure, at the hour of death
What is the argument of design and which Saint published this proof of God's existence?
What is...
If the Universe was designed there must be a designer which is God - due to the beauty and complexity of the Universe.
Who is...
St. Thomas Aquinas.
What countries has Fr. Sinisa lived in?
Where are...
What is another common name for the apparition commonly know as Our Lady of Victory?
What is...
Our Lady of the Rosary
Name three locations of recorded Eucharistic Miracles?
Where are...
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lanciano, Italy
Tixtila, Mexico
What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
What are...
Piety, Knowledge, Wisdom, Counsel, Fear of the Lord, Fortitude, Understanding
What is Apostolic Succession and who was the first Pope?
What is...
the unbroken line of Popes from Peter
What is Fr. Sinisa's brother's name?
Who is...
What are three visions/promises of Our Lady of Fatima to the children and what are their named?
What are...
a vision of Hell
a prediction of the end of WWI and the start of WWII
and a call to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
shown to Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco
Are you as a Catholic required to believe in Eucharisitc Miracles? Justify your answer.
What is...
No - they occur outside the age of revelation and therefore are not necessary for belief. They also do not outright prove the existence of God but instead serve to help us grow in our understanding and devotion.
What is the purpose of receiving Confirmation?
what is...
to restore your baptismal vows
to make the free willed choice to stay Catholic
to receive the undeserved gifts of the Holy Sprit
What makes Catholicism different from other religions?
What is...
Jesus pointing to Himself
The incredible success of Christian Messianism and the resurrection of Christ
What is the date of Fr Sinisa's ordination?
What is...
May 23, 2015