How many house churches are there in total in SNY?
What is the official first name of each of Dr. Jung's oldest child
Who are Jesus' 12 disciples
Simon (Peter), Andrew, James x2, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Thomas, Simon, Judas
What is Pastor Chris' full korean name?
Joo Myung Jae
Who was on the Guest Speaker on the Class of 2025 3rd MVMNT
Pastor Sang and Justy
How many years has Jasmine led worship in youth group?
12! yeah that's like a dozen donuts
What was Jesus' greatest commandments
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
What is the mascot of the university Pastor Chris attended
What is the official class size of Class of 2025
How many girlfriends have Erick had so far
What is the most important verb in the great commission?
Where was PChris previous profession before becoming a Pastor
What was the theme of the class of 2025's 1st MVMNT?
What was the weight of Harris when he was at his heaviest? Whoever is closer wins!
334lbs! bigger back than Priscilla
Why did God let Job suffer? You better have been paying attention in LBS
To prove and test his righteousness
How many girlfriends did Pastor Chris have before marrying his current wife Eunice?
0! Amazing! Don't be like Erick, Jasmine, and Harris :)
How many praise team members have stepped down due to "breaking covenant?" and What are there names?
Harris, Chansoo, Chelsea, John, Daniel, Hayley
Who is the best adult leader?
College is your _____ ____
*Harris has mentioned this a lot during LBS
mission field
What would PChris want to do if he wasn't a Pastor?
Investor! Good thing he is our pastor!