Testing Skills
Academic Vocabulary

When combining sentences, what is the first question you ask yourself?

"Are both of these 'sentences' complete/independent?"


What type of question includes the following phrase?

"Which phrase below helps the reader understand the meaning of the word...?"

Vocabulary - Context clues


Describe the purpose of a semi colon (;).

The purpose of a semicolon is to bring together two independent/complete sentences that are closely related in thought.


Explain what character development is and what it means to the storyline.

Character development, usually of the main character or protagonist, is the transition they go through throughout the story because of the lesson(s) they learn. The reader will see a change in their attitude/personality at the end of the story.

What this means for the storyline is that because the character has a problem that progresses and grows through tension until it has peaked, the character finally addresses it and/or learns from it which helps to foster change in the end of the story.


In an ECR, what is the first sentence in a body paragraph called? What's its purpose/ what does it do?

Topic sentence is used to introduce each of the two topics you've given in your thesis.


Describe the process of elimination in as much detail as possible.

Eliminate the two worst possible answer choices first, which will leave the distracter and the answer. Weigh out the two and rationalize the correct answer.


A sentence that the text does not require is called a(n) ________________ sentence.


Name the conjunctions that make up the acronym FANBOYS.

For And Nor But Or Yet So


How many points are there in plot? Name them in the correct order.

6 plot points.

Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.


What are the two big differences in a 4 and a 5 essay?

1. Sentence variety (compound and complex)

2. Your discussion and/or explanation of the topic detailed, specific, and displays your knowledge of the subject.  


Describe your strategy when working on a vocabulary question.

Answers may vary.

What is an organizational pattern and what is another commonly used phrase for it?

An organizational pattern is the sequence of information that the author chooses to lay out their information in a given text or passage. 

Text Structure is what it is also referred to as.


List 6 subordinating conjunctions.

Although, as, while, which, whenever, unless, until, because, before, in order to, if, since, ETC.


What is I.I.? What occurs during this point in plotline?

Inciting Incident is where the problem gets introduce to the story, and the reader can see this is an obstacle our main character must overcome.

The first and last paragraphs of a composition must contain what two pieces of information?

1. Your two given topics.

2. Key words from the prompt.

i.e. *author supports the claim *more time for the outdoors *the opportunity at better sleep


For a fiction passage, how do you determine the best way to annotate the story? Describe this process in detail in order to better your chances of earning the points

For a fiction passage, it is best that you preview the questions first (as always) in order to understand what type of questions will be asked and take notes according to that. 

Examples: plot, character development, vocabulary, setting, conflict, etc.

What is a counter claim? Explain and provide an example.

A counter claim is the opposing idea of the claim; one that contradicts the initial claim.

We should only buy electric vehicles.

Counter Claim: There are those who say that the electric vehicles are not only more expensive in the end, but they are not reliable during extreme weather.


Combine the following sentences into one clear and effective sentence. (No semicolon option)

Sue planted a beautiful vegetable garden. Sue is always outside when it is sunny.

Sue planted a beautiful vegetable garden, so she is always outside when it is sunny.

Because Sue planted a beautiful vegetable garden, she is always outside when it is sunny.

Answers may vary.


How can a reader determine the author's message in a fictional passage?

Answers may vary.

Identifying the problem our main character faces and over comes while also understanding the lesson they learn. 


In an SCR, what are the steps in responding to the question?

First, you must use key words in the question in your answer. Second, you are providing relevant evidence for that answer. And lastly, you are explaining in depth how the evidence supports your overall answer.


When starting an exam, name the first 3 things you do.

1. Find the essay prompt and preview it, the passage, and the questions.

2. Annotate the text in detail and rationalize/respond.

3. Complete your essay rough and final drafts.


Define the word "emphasize" AND use it in a sentence.

The word emphasize means to show importance to or highlight.

Example: "The author emphasizes the importance of walking on a regular basis in order3 to maintain our health."


How can you confirm if a clause is an interrupter?

Provide an example of an interrupter in a sentence.

By removing it completely from the sentence to see if the sentence can function without it.

Example: Our principal, Mr. Tijerina, will be giving a short speech and today's assembly. 


When the author provides small details in the story that help the reader determine what will later occur, is called __________.



Name each of the four paragraphs of the essay and what information they each contain. 

Introduction (thesis) will contain the answer to the prompt that includes two topics.

Body 1 will discuss the first topic in your intro, provide evidence to support, and an in depth discussion which explains how the evidence supports the topic you've given.

Body 2 will discuss the second topic in your intro, provide evidence to support, and an in depth discussion which explains how the evidence supports the topic you've given.

Conclusion (restate thesis) reiterates the answer you've given but in a different manner in order to remind the grader of your overall response to the prompt.