This reporting category has a total of 3 standards and 6 questions on the Grade 3 STAAR Reading BluePrint
What is Understanding Across Genres
Two types of writing assessed each year
What is personal narrative and expository?
43 Multiple Choice and 3 Griddable
What is the number of questions on the Grade 3 STAAR Math Test?
The grade level where Science is tested.
What is 5th Grade?
Acronym Defnition of STAAR?
What is State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness?
This grade level has 12 readiness standards and 11 supporting standards.
What is the Grade 3 Reading Blueprint?
The grade level where writing is tested
What is Grade 4?
Underlying processes and mathematical tools
What is not a separate reporting category for Math?
the number of readiness standards and supporting standards and number of questions for the Force, Motion and Energy reporting category
What is 3 readiness, 2 supporting standards, 10 questions?
the academic word that is defined as the study of the art and science of teaching; the "how"
What is pedagogy?
Understanding/Analysis Across Genres; Understanding/Analysis of Literary Texts; Understanding/Analysis of Informational Texts appears under this blueprint heading.
What are Reading Reporting Categories?
The Writing Reporting Category that has zero supporting standards and 2 compositions
What is Category 1: Composition
What is Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning; Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Reasoning; Geometry and Spatial Reasoning; Measurement;and Probability and Statistics
The 5 Reporting Categories for Math STARR test.
2 skills incorporated into at least 40% of the test questions but not stated as a separate reporting category
What is Scientific Investigation and Reasoning Skills?
the process teachers use to gather information and make decisions about students' learning and development
What is assessment?
13 readiness standards and 14 supporting standards
What is the number of Reading Standards on the Grade 4 STAAR Blueprint?
Composition, Revision, and Editing
What are the three reporting categories for Grade 4 Writing Blueprint
4 readiness standards and 11 supporting standards with the highest number of questions on the Grade 4 mathematics blueprint
What is Reporting Category 1; Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative reasoning?
the number of test questions on the Grade 5 Science Blueprint
43 multiple choice and 1 griddable
the detail of what students should know and be able to do in each subject level
What is a content standard?
The number of questions appearing under the Understanding/Analysis of Literary Texts reporting category on the blueprint for Grade 5 Reading.
What is 19?
The type of questions addressing the Editing reporting category on the Grade 4 Writing Blueprint
What is multiple choice questions?
Total number of readiness and supporting standards on the 4th grade math blueprint
What is 10 readiness and 23 supporting standards?
The missing reporting category: Matter & Energy; Force, Motion, and Energy;_________________________; and Organisms and Environments
What is Earth and Space?
the measure of student performance against some agreed-on level of performance or criterion