Early America
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
World Power
Roaring 20s
Great Depression

What is described by the belief in consent of the governed; other nations recognized U.S. as a country; inspired others to question their governments.

What is the Declaration of Independence.


What provided farmers access to distant markets; allowed Americans to settle the West; Bessemer steel provided stronger and cheaper materials to build .

What are the railroads


Who wrote The Jungle?

Who is Upton Sinclair.


The Cuban Revolution, and the sinking of USS Maine were the leading causes for which event?

What is the Spanish-American War


The limited economic opportunity and discrimination in the South resulted in African Americans migrating north for jobs.

What is the Great Migration.


When a stock becomes worth more than its value. 

What is overspeculation.


What does our national moto E Pluribus Unum mean?

What is "Out of Many, one".


What type of business has total control of an industry by one company.

What is a Monopoly.


Who started the settlement house movement in the U.S. to help assimilate immigrants, and co-founded the Hull House.

Who is Jane Addams.


The rise of militarism, assassination of Franz Ferdinand, sinking of Lusitania were the causes for which event?

What is WWI


Women during the Roaring ‘20s who challenged traditional roles and social norms; unique fashion.

Who are Flappers.


What was caused by drought and poor farming practices?

What is the Dust Bowl


What amendment is freedom of religion, assembly, petition, press, speech?

What is the 1st Amendment.


Who wanted restrictions on immigration; encouraged assimilation; viewed immigrants as competition for jobs.

Who are Nativists.


What allowed women’s suffrage, right to vote. 

What is the 19th amendment 


Soldiers fought in trenches with machine guns; resulting in stalemate. Tanks and poison gas used to break stalemate.

What is Trench warfare


Henry Ford's assembly line led to affordable automobiles, and household goods being made rapidly and in large quantities which is known as what?

What is mass-manufacturing?


Relief, Recovery, and Reform

What is the New Deal.


Who wrote Democracy in America highlighting the five Characteristics of Americans: liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, populism, and laissez-faire.

Who is Alexis de Tocqueville.


What was intended to assimilate Native Americans into American culture; divided their tribal land into farm plots.

What is the Dawes Act.


Who founded NAACP, a civil rights group that fought for the  legal rights of African American.

Who is W.E.B. DuBois.


John F. Pershing trained soldiers and led major counterattack on western front as the leader of what group?

What is American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)


Popularity of African American artists, gospel music, jazz, and influenced civil rights movement 

What is the Harlem Renaissance. 


What is the program under reform of the New Deal, the government guaranteed bank deposits; protected people’s savings. 

What is FDIC.


What is described by limiting the power of the federal government through the use of separation of powers and checks and balances.

What are the principles of constitution.


What was passed to prevent immigrants from taking jobs from settlers out West.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act.


18th amendment; prohibited sell and consumption of alcohol; hoped to decrease crime and health problems; resulted in more crime and speakeasies 

What is prohibition.


Who advocated for overseas expansion by growing the U.S. Navy.

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan.


A bribery scandal during Harding’s term which resulted in reduced public confidence in the federal government.

What is the Teapot Dome Scandal.


What limited a president to serve only two terms; passed in response to FDR serving four terms?

What is the 22nd Amendment.