Roots and Affixes
Author's Purpose
Main Idea & Summary
Author Techniques
The word "copilot" means a second pilot in an aircraft. What does the prefix "co" mean?
What is "with" or "together"?
Jill ran up the hill with Jack. She was carrying a pail. Jack tripped over a rock and caused Jill to tumble down the side of the hill. She broke her arm and refused to talk to Jack for three weeks. Jack decided to make her a cake one day. He wanted to apologize. Jill accepted the cake and they were best friends once again. The author of this story had this purpose.
What is to entertain the reader?
This is the main idea of a manual for a cell phone.
What is to teach the reader how to use a cell phone?
Luke, a shepherd, circles the flock and scans for danger. This sentence shows that Luke is: a) confused b) happy c) cautious d) impatient
What is cautious?
A sonnet is written in this type of rhyme scheme.
What is iambic pentameter?
The word "autograph" has the Greek root "graph." Graph has this meaning.
What is "to write"?
Cookies are a necessary food item in your life. First, they taste amazing, like sweet nectar that warms your tummy. Second, they come in all kinds of flavors. Even if you are a picky eater, there is surely a type of cookie that will please you. Finally, cookies make you happy. If you decide not to eat cookies, you will be miserable and cranky for the rest of your life. Eat them now! The author of this story had this purpose.
What is to persuade the reader?
Most types of stories usually have a theme, meaning this.
What is a universal idea?
In the story of The Three Little Pigs, the wolf is the antagonist who tries to eat the three innocent pig brothers. In real life, a wolf would attack a pig, not because he was evil, but because he was this.
What is hungry?
This is when an author uses sensory words to "paint a picture" in the reader's mind.
What is imagery?
Most songs have an interlude. This is a piece of music that connects a verse to the chorus. If "lude" means "tune", then "inter" has this meaning.
What is "between"?
Brushing your teeth is very important. Some do not know the proper way to accomplish this task. First, you put a dime size amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush. Brush the top right side of your teeth, in a circular motion, all over the teeth. After 20 seconds, switch to the top left side of your teeth and repeat. Repeat four more times with the rest of your teeth. When done brushing, rinse your mouth clean with water. Make sure to clean the brush as well! You're finished! You now have beautiful, clean teeth. The author had this purpose.
What is to explain?
It is a good idea to stop and write the main idea HERE on the STAAR test.
Where is after each paragraph?
In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Dolphus Raymond's decision to pretend to be a drunk shows this.
What is his understanding of the town's mindset and the people's shortcomings?
This is the definition and example of a simile.
What is a comparison using "like" or "as". "He was as tall as a 6 foot, 3 inch tree."
The suffix "-ment" means "time". Knowing this information, "merriment" has what meaning.
What is a happy or merry time?
The rabbit's long ears, which can be more than 10 cm (4 in) long, are probably an adaptation for detecting predators. They have large, powerful hind legs. The two front paws have 5 toes, the extra called the dewclaw. The hind feet have 4 toes. The author of this piece had this purpose.
What is to inform the reader.
This is one of the themes seen in "To Kill a Mockingbird."
What is morality/racism/tolerance/loss of innocence/etc.?
Boo Radley can best be characterized as: a) shy but mean b) snobby c) shy but kind d) insane
What is "shy but kind"?
This is the term used to describe an author's specific word choice.
What is diction?
The first Transcontinental Railroad was built in 1869. The railroad spanned the entire U.S. from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. "Trans" has this meaning.
What is "across"?
On the English I STAAR test, you will be writing this kind of essay.
What is an expository essay?
This is the name of Ms. Robason's cute, fluffy, white dog.
What is Murray?
If you know the thoughts of multiple characters, the story is written in this type of narration.
What is third person omniscient?
This is when the author provides clues as to what will happen later in the story.
What is foreshadowing?