Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences

What are the 3 ways to fix a run-on sentence?

1. Comma + FANBOY

2. Period + capital

3. Semicolon


What are the two ways to combine two independent clauses?

1. Comma + FANBOY

2. Semicolon


What are the two ways to make a complex sentence?

1. AAAWWUBBIS word +  dependent clause   +  ,    + Independent clause

2. Independent clause +   AAAWWUBBIS  word + Dependent clause


What is a sentence fragment? What does it lack?

Just part of a sentence. It cannot be its own sentence because it often times lacks either a subject or a predicate.


What is an appositive phrase?

A phrase immediately after a noun that gives further information about that


Use a comma + a FANBOYS word to fix the run-on:

My cell phone was out during class my teacher told me to put it away.

My cell phone was out during class, so my teacher told me to put it away.


Name all the FANBOYS

For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


Name the AAAWWUBBIS words.

After, although, as, when, while, until, because, before, if, since


Combine the sentences to fix the fragment:

The career center offers several electives. Such as cosmetology, auto repair, and culinary arts.

The career center offers several electives, such as cosmetology, auto repair, and culinary arts.


Where can an appositive phrase be placed?

Option 1: Place the appositive phrase in the middle of the sentence

Option 2: Place the appositive phrase at the end of the sentence


Which of the following sentences is a run-on?

1. School gets out for the summer on May 25, and I can’t wait for the long break.

2. School gets out for the summer on May 25. I can’t wait for the long break.

3. School gets out for the summer on May 25, I can’t wait for the long break.



Which sentence is a compound sentence?

1. Since his project was in the science fair, Mark couldn’t wait to go to school.

2. Kathy scored a goal in her soccer match, which scored her team the winning point.

3. Tom has a crush on Mary, but Mary has a crush on Steve. 



Which sentence is a complex sentence?

1. Since his project was in the science fair, Mark couldn’t wait to go to school.

2. Kathy scored a goal in her soccer match, which scored her team the winning point.

3. Tom has a crush on Mary, but Mary has a crush on Steve. 



Create a complete sentence using the following fragment:

Ran faster than a cheetah.

(subject) ran faster than a cheetah.


Place commas around the appositive phrases in the sentences below:

  1. Stephanie the girl with the blonde hair is in my 7th period math class.

  2. Mr. Martin came to school today with a giant cup of Starbucks which is his favorite coffee place.

  3. Ms. Sanford who is the principal of Killian let everyone wear a baseball cap to school.

1. Stephanie, the girl with the blonde hair, is in my 7th period math class. 

2. Mr. Martin came to school today with a giant cup of Starbucks, which is his favorite coffee place.

3. Ms. Sanford, who is the principal of Killian, let everyone wear a baseball cap to school.


Create your own run on sentence.

Sentence is a run-on.


Combine the following sentences:

The food at McDonald’s is very good. I also enjoy eating at Taco Bell.

The food at McDonald’s is very good; I also enjoy eating at Taco Bell.

The food at McDonald’s is very good, but I also enjoy eating at Taco Bell.


Combine the following sentences to make a complex sentence.

My mom’s car broke down on the way to school. We had to call a tow truck.

Since my mom’s car broke down on the way to school, we had to call a tow truck.

We had to call a tow truck because my mom’s car broke down on the way to school.


The following are fragments; True/False:

1. It happened so long ago.

2. Because I can.

3. Not improving too well.

1. False

2. True

3. True


Combine the two sentences by creating an appositive phrase:

I went to the park this afternoon to play chase with Skip. He is a beautiful Golden Retriever puppy.

1. I went to the park this afternoon to play chase with Skip, a beautiful Golden Retriever puppy. 

2. I went to the park this afternoon to play chase with a beautiful Golden Retriever puppy, Skip. 


The following sentences are run-ons; True/False

1. The small girl seemed to be lost, she was crying and looking for her mother.

2. My younger brother collects aluminum cans to recycle and is saving the money for a new computer.

3. We bought shoes, luggage, hats, and swimsuits at the mall fortunately, we have a large trunk in our car.

1. True

2. False

3. True


Create your own compound sentence using "yet."

Sentence uses "yet" correctly and is a compound sentence.


Create your own complex sentence using "before."

Sentence uses "before" correctly and is a complex sentence.


Identify the fragments:

The summer break is coming up, and I am so excited. Because I will be going to Florida. With my family. We go to the beach every year and meet up with my cousins. I have the best time. Except the car. It takes so long just to get to the beach. Like 20 hours. This year the ride will be extra annoying because my little brother copies everything I do. I hope he doesn’t do that at the beach too!

1. Because I will be going to Florida

2. With my family

3. Except the car

4. Like 20 hours


Create your own sentence that contains an appositive phrase.

Sentence contains an appositive phrase correctly identified by commas.