Inference 1
Inference 2
Inference 3
Inference 4
Inference 5

The coach blew the whistle. Mary and her teammates ran out to the hardwood floor. They took their orange ball and practiced dribbling and shooting into the net.

 Where was Mary? 

Mary was at basketball practice


Students, teachers, and some parents boarded the bus at the beginning of the school day. The students saw old artifacts on the tour. After the tour, students ate lunch that they brought from home. At the end of the day, everyone got back on the bus and went back to school. 

What did the students do that day?

The students went on a field trip.


The players hung their heads low as they came off the field. They were disappointed because they worked hard. Next time they will try even harder. 

What happened to the team? 

The team lost their game.


The class had a celebration. After the party, everyone said goodbye and wished their classmates a good summer. 

What day was it?

It was the last day of school.


The farmer walked into the hen house. He saw some cracks in the eggs and a few chirps. 

What was happening?

The eggs were hatching. 


The teacher was standing in front of the class with her arms crossed. The students were turned around, talking to each other, and did not turn in their homework as she asked.  

How is the teacher feeling?

The teacher is feeling upset, angry, frustrated, or disappointed.


Rudy was very happy because she didn’t have to ride the bus anymore. She saved up her money for a long time so she could have her own space. She was happy cruising down the road in her shiny new purchase.

What did Rudy buy?

Rudy bought a brand-new car.


The son and his dad drove to school. As they entered the building, the dad took his graded papers and headed to a different part of the building. 

What is Dad's job?

The Dad's job is an educator or teacher.


The cat jumped on the counter while the owner was washing dishes. Its owner looked at her watch, opened the cabinet, and took out a can. 

What can you infer about the cat?

The cat is hungry.


Sophia ran downstairs. She noticed that the kitchen was decorated with balloons. Her dad made Sophia's favorite breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips, and sprinkles. Later her family handed her a surprise.

 What was special about today for Sophia?

It was Sophia's birthday.


OH NO! Thought Jack. It happened again. He jumped out of bed, quickly brushed his teeth, got dressed, and ran downstairs. He grabbed his backpack and headed to the bus stop but it was too late. The bus was gone. Now he would have to ask his mother to drive him. He hoped that his teacher would not be mad. 

What is Jack’s problem?

Jack was late for school.


People bought candy and popcorn and went to their seats. Everyone put their phones on vibrate. The lights turned off and the people turned toward a large screen in the front of the room. 

Where is everyone?

Everyone is at a movie theatre.


The children strolled along the lane, moving from one house to another. The neighborhood was adorned with orange lights, pumpkins, and ghosts.

What day is it?

The day is Halloween.


Charlie was frantically searching his disorganized bedroom. He was looking for something important that contained all his supplies and homework. If he failed to find it, his teacher would be disappointed, and he might end up with a zero.

What was Charlie looking for?


Charlie was looking for his backpack.


Rocky was searching for the right scent but felt confused and scared. He hoped someone would find him and call the number on his collar. 

What animal is Rocky and what is his problem?

Rocky is a dog and he is lost.


The children stood nervously in line, clutching their new backpacks and supplies. The principal emerged to greet everyone as they returned to school. 

What day was it?

The first day of school


The dog slumped in front of the door, with his ears drooping low, whimpering. The house was eerily quiet. "Why was it taking so long?"

What was the dog's problem?

The Dog misses his owner.


Jack's lips were turning purple as he shivered, despite wearing a scarf and coat while waiting for the bus. 

What was Jack’s problem?

Jack was cold.

Carolina was disappointed to see that the weather was bad. She had been looking forward to going to the amusement park, but she knew that it would be better to wait for a nicer day. 

Why couldn’t Carolina go to the amusement park?

Carolina couldn't go to the amusement park because it was raining. 


All the children stood back and watched as the birthday boy spun around. Suddenly, there was a loud "whack" sound. After three hits, the children rushed forward to pick up the goodies. 

What were the children doing?

The children were hitting a pinata.


It was a stormy day and travelers were waiting around the gate. A woman stood behind the desk, making announcements. Passengers appeared worried and impatient, concerned about their ability to reach their destination.  

What is the problem?

The problem was that the plane was delayed.


They placed a bucket on top of the flags and positioned it away from the shore.

What were they doing? 

They were building a sandcastle. 


The students went on a field trip where they had the opportunity to listen to experts talking about building habitats and interesting facts about the residents of those habitats. The children were thrilled to see creatures from all over the world, right in their own city. 

Where were they?

They were at a zoo.


First, she rolled out the dough. Then she added sauce, cheese, and toppings before baking it in the oven.

What was she making?

She was making a pizza.


The boy cautiously entered with his flashlight, determined not to let it slip from his grasp. This was not his idea of a good time. 

What was the boy's problem?

The boy was afraid of the dark.