The Unwelcomed Neighbor
Mission Blue
Cheese for Dinner
Book Clubs Are for Everyone!
The Rescue

What does the word snatched mean in paragraph 11?



In paragraph 6, the prefix un- helps the reader understand that unharmed means - 

not harmed


What is the meaning of the word sly in paragraph 16?



Which audience is the author addressing in this selection?



What is the most likely reason the poet includes lines 9 through 14?

To emphasize that the mother squirrel values all of her babies.


Why is the fox's plan important to the resolution of the story?

The plan causes the snake to move away from the tree.


What can the reader conclude about Mission Blue from the information throughout the selection?

Mission Blue values teaching people about oceans.


Based on the events at the end of the story, what can the reader predict about Coyote?

Coyote will not trust Conejo again.


Based on the information in paragraphs 1 through 4, what can the reader conclude about students who join a book club?

The students develop good reading habits.


Read lines 6 and 7.

She holds a furry ball with paws- A baby squirrel just half her size

What is the most likely reason the poet includes this imagery?

To suggest that the baby squirrel is small and helpless.


What can the reader infer about the crows based on their actions after Father Crow talks to the fox?

They trust the fox and the plan he shares.


In paragraphs 5 and 6, which key idea do the details support about why Mission Blue divides the ocean into small areas called "hope spots"?

These areas are easier to care for.


What key idea about Coyote is supported by the details in paragraphs 10 through 12?

Coyote believes that he will enjoy eating a giant wheel of cheese.


What sentence supports the idea that joining a book club could help someone make friends?

By spending time with them at book-club meetings, you will get to know all the members better. (paragraph 6)


What is the most likely reason the poet includes lines 15 and 16?

To show that the baby squirrels are safe at last.


What key idea about Mother Crow do the details in paragraphs 7 and 8 best support?

Mother Crow is worried about the snake that is living in the tree.


What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection?

To inform the reader about the work of mission Blue members. 


In paragraph 1, the word cloudless includes the suffix -less. The suffix helps the reader understand that cloudless means -



What opinion does the author include to explain why some students avoid book clubs?

After all the reading you do in school, you may think you don't want to join a book club. (paragraph 4)


How does the windy setting contribute to the poem?

The windy setting causes a problem the mother squirrel must solve.


How is the setting of the river important to the plot of the story?

The river is where Mother Crow picks up the necklace.


How does the author organize the selection?

By explaining problems happening in oceans and the work Mission Blue does to solve the problems.


Which sentence best describes Coyote's relationship with Conejo by the end of the story?

Coyote is upset with Conejo for saying something that was untrue.


Which sentence best explains why members of a book club are likely to read a whole book?

The desire to be prepared will encourage you to finish reading what you started. (paragraph 3)


Which line from the poem best shows that the mother squirrel is kind?

She gently tucks her baby in (line 11)