We heart fractions
Name that measure!
It's on your formula chart
If they were easy, they wouldn't be called "problems"
List in order from greatest to least: 1/2, 2/3, 7/16, 3/4
What is 3/4, 2/3, 1/2, 7/16 ?
The soccer team is designing a team jersey. They vote for their favorite colors. The results are shown below. Black: 8 votes White: 2 votes Red: 12 votes Blue: 1 vote Which measure of central tendency corresponds to the color with the most votes?
What is mode?
What does capital B stand for in the formula for the volume of a prism?
SpongeBob has a coupon for 20% off a ticket to Glove World. Tickets are normally $20. How much will SpongeBob save?
What is $4?
The area of a circle is approximately 78 square meters. What is the radius?
What is 5?
List in order from least to greatest: 3/4, 3/2, 3/8, 3/3
What is 3/8, 3/4, 3/3, 3/2 ?
The team manager recorded the number of points scored by each player in a basketball game. The results are shown below. 0, 0, 4, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22 Which measure corresponds to 6.5 ?
What is the median?
A rectangle has an area of 114 square meters and a height of 8 meters. What is the width?
What is 14.25 meters?
SpongeBob ate 15 Goofy Goober sundaes. This was 75% of the number Patrick ate. How many sundaes did Patrick eat?
What is 20?
The volume of a prism is 60 cubic feet. Its length is 5 feet and its width 3 feet. What is the height of the prism?
What is 4 feet?
List in order from greatest to least: 54%, 4/5, .4, 7/8
What is 7/8, 4/5, 54%, .4
The team manager recorded the number of goals Chancho scored in each game this season. The results are shown below. 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0 If Chancho scores 4 goals in the next game, which measure will change the most: mean, median or mode?
What is mean?
A truck tire travels 250 cm in one full rotation. What is the approximate diameter of the tire?
What is 80 centimeters?
SpongeBob bought a new shell for Gary on sale for $7.50. The original price of the shell was $10.00. What percent discount did SpongeBob receive?
What is 25%?
A bag contains 4 red marbles, 2 blue marbles, 1 yellow marble, and one green marble. What is the probability of choosing a red marble, not replacing it, and choosing another red marble?
What is 3/14 ?
1/2 + 1/4 + 1/3 =
What is 1 1/12?
The runners on a track team had the following race times: 13.2, 15.3, 15.8, 16.4, 16.9, 18.0 Which measure could be used to show the variation in the runners' times?
What is range?
Each edge of a cube measures 7 cm. How much paper is needed to exactly cover the cube?
What is 294 square centimeters?
Squidward ate lunch at Le Gourmet restaurant. His meal cost $45, and he left a 15% tip. How much did he pay in all for the meal and tip?
What is $51.75?
In a box of 24 highlighters, 3 are pink, 4 are green, and the rest are yellow. In a large case of 120 highlighters, about how many will be yellow?
What is 85?
Gary's shell grew 1/4 inch in May, 4/5 inch in June, and .2 inch in July. How much did he grow altogether during these 3 months?
What is 1 1/4 or 1.25 inches?
A basketball player scored the following points per game in a tournament: Monday: 10 Tuesday: 6 Wednesday: 8 Thursday: 4 Friday: ? How many points does she need to score in Friday's game to have an average of 8 points per game for the tournament?
What is 12 points?
A cylinder is 10 inches tall and has a diameter of 6 inches. What is the lateral surface area of the cylinder?
What is 188.4 square inches?
Squidward bought 4 clarinet CDs for $8.00 each. The total including tax was $33.60. What was the tax rate?
What is 5% ?
Gary moves toward his dish at a rate of 250 centimeters per hour. His movement can be represented by the equation d = 250t where d is the distance he travels and t is the number of hours. If Gary has to travel 5 meters to his dish, how long will it take?
What is 2 hours?