Grab Bag

A town had three and fourteen-hundredths inches of rain during June. What is the value of the digit in the tenths place?



Yolanda wrote a number. 

• The digit in the millions place is an 8.
• The digit in the thousands place is a 6.
• The digit in the hundredths place is a 2. 

Which number could be the number Yolanda wrote?
A  85,346,000.12
B  38,056,000.21
C  58,346,000.12
D  98,674,200.21  

C  58,346,000.12


The number of movie tickets sold at a theater last year can be written in expanded notation, as shown. (8 × 100,000) + (6 × 1,000) What is this number written in standard form?



An art teacher ordered 26 marker sets for his classes. There are 100 markers in each set. How many markers are in 26 sets?



Meredith had 12 packages of erasers to put into bags. • Each package had 43 erasers.
• She put 6 erasers into each bag. 

What is the greatest number of bags Meredith could have put erasers into?



There are two hiking trails in a park. 

• Trail Y is 2.7 miles long. 

• Trail Z is 5.84 miles long. 

What is the total length of these two hiking trails?

8.54 miles


A rectangular place mat is 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. What is the area of this place mat in square inches?

216 square inches


Which type of triangle has perpendicular sides?

A right triangle


A baker is making cakes. It takes 9 eggs to make each cake. The baker has 8 cartons of eggs, and each carton contains 12 eggs. What is the greatest number of cakes the baker can make using these eggs?  



There are 1,150 baseball cards that will be sorted into bags. Each bag holds 5 baseball cards. How many bags are needed for all the baseball cards?



Ms. Lanford buys and sells used clothes. Ms. Lanford bought a dress, a sweater, and shorts for a total of $12.00. She then sold each item for the price shown in the list.
• She sold the dress for $20.75.
• She sold the sweater for $15.25.
• She sold the shorts for $8.50. 

What was Ms. Lanford’s total profit from selling the dress, sweater, and shorts?



The list shows the numbers of visitors who arrived and the numbers of visitors who left a science museum for the first three hours after it opened one day.
• In the first hour, 294 visitors arrived.
• In the second hour, 408 visitors arrived and 89 visitors left.
• In the third hour, 313 visitors arrived and 175 visitors left. 

How many visitors were in the science museum after the third hour?



What is the value of 238,855 when rounded to the nearest thousand?



An orchestra had 8 performances. There were 2,464 tickets sold for each performance. What was the total number of tickets sold for all 8 performances?



Which expression has a quotient of about 7? 

A  7 ÷ 2 

B  23 ÷ 7 

C  36 ÷ 5 

D  13 ÷ 6

C  36 ÷ 5


Lindsey purchased one pet carrier that cost $21.89 and 2 bags of cat food that cost $16.49 each. What was the total cost of these items?



Maribel drew a shape. The shape has exactly one pair of opposite sides that are parallel. None of the sides are perpendicular to each other. Which shape can be the one Maribel drew?



Della wrote a number:
• The digit in the hundredths place is a 4.
• The digit in the thousands place is a 7.
• The digit in the tenths place is a 2.
Which number could be the number Della wrote?

A  537,106.24
B  17,420
C  27,389.04
D  70.24

A  537,106.24


The rectangular top of Kathleen’s desk has a length of 24 inches and a width of 17 inches. What is the area of the top of Kathleen’s desk in square inches?

408 square inches


A glass pitcher contains 65 ounces of juice which is poured equally into six glasses. How many ounces of juice does each glass contain? How many ounces of juice remains in the pitcher?

10 ounces

5 ounces


Fran bought 4 shirts that were $13 each. She also bought a pair of socks for $4.29. What was the total amount Fran paid for the shirts and socks?



The width of a square playground is 20 feet. What is the area of the playground in square feet?

400 square feet


There are 20 rows of pumpkins on a farm. There are 6 pumpkins in each row. A farmer will use 3 trucks to take all of the pumpkins to a market. The farmer will put the same number of pumpkins in each truck. How many pumpkins will be in each truck?



A small dairy farm produces 87 gallons of milk in a day. How many gallons of milk will it produce in 15 days?

1,305 gallons


The fourth-grade classes at a school made flowers to decorate the cafeteria. There are 5 fourth-grade classes at this school. 

• To make each flower, 4 sheets of paper were used. • The classes used a total of 300 sheets of paper
• Each class made the same number of flowers. 

How many flowers did each fourth-grade class make?