Semicolon or Colon?
Comma Rules
Punctuation Errors

What does a semicolon do?

Semicolons are used to separate two complete (and closely related) sentences.


Where should the comma(s) go in this sentence: 

The instructor looked through his briefcase through his desk and around the office for the lost grade book. 

The instructor looked through his briefcase, through his desk, and around the office for the lost grade book.


What error is made in the following sentences?

I saw Ben yesterday.He was wearing a new shirt.

There needs to be a space after the period.

I saw Ben yesterday. He was wearing a new shirt.


What should you capitalize in a sentence?

Proper nouns, the beginning of a sentence, and the pronoun "I"


Define parallelism

Parallel Structure describes sentence structure where the same pattern of words is used to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance.


Does this sentence need a comma or semicolon?

My roommate has a simple formula for looking like a freshman __ act depressed.

My roommate has a simple formula for looking like a freshman: act depressed.


What separates 2 independent clauses?

comma and coordinating conjunction/FANBOYS


What punctuation belongs at the end of this sentence: Are there going to be chips at the party __

Questions mark: Are there going to be chips at the party?


Make corrections to the following sentence:

the president is originally from north dakota.

The president is originally from North Dakota.


Is the following sentence written properly?

Thelma likes playing the clarinet, to march in the band, and watching the football games.

No: Thelma likes playing the clarinet, marching in the band, and watching football games. 


Does the following sentence need a colon or semicolon?

Take care of the children __ the adults can take care of themselves.

Take care of the children; the adults can take care of themselves.


Where should the comma(s) go in the following sentence: 

Mary said “I dislike concerts because the music is too loud.”

Mary said, “I dislike concerts because the music is too loud.”


Rewrite the sentence with proper grammar: The sign states Do not walk on the grass.

The sign states, "Do not walk on the grass."


Correct the following sentence: i have math class with mr. jenkins on tuesdays and english class on thursdays. 

I have math class with Mr. Jenkins on Tuesdays and English class on Thursdays.


How could you fix the following sentence to have proper parallel structure?

My uncle Julius likes bagels, lox, and eating chicken salad.

My uncle Julius likes bagels, lox, and chicken salad.


What does a colon do?

A colon is used after an independent clause to call attention to the words that follow it, such as when introducing a list, series, or idea that explains or restates the introductory idea.


Where should the comma go in this sentence: 

Near a small stream at the bottom of the canyon park rangers discovered a gold mine.

Near a small stream at the bottom of the canyon, park rangers discovered a gold mine.


Rewrite the sentence with the proper punctuation: I didnt know what to do after I lost my wallet

I didn't know what to do after I lost my wallet.


Make corrections to the following sentence: i saw the mayor give a speech at richmond city hall. 

I saw the mayor give a speech at Richmond City Hall.


How could you fix the following sentence to have proper parallel structure?

The house sitter lost the keys, neglected the dogs, and she also trashed the kitchen.

The house sitter lost the keys, neglected the dogs, and trashed the kitchen.


Does the following sentence need a colon or semicolon?

I went to the cottage __ my sister went to the zoo.

I went to the cottage; my sister went to the zoo.


A comma is used to offset appositives. Where should the comma(s) go in the following sentence:

Sarah my brother's new girlfriend is actually really nice. 

Sarah, my brother's new girlfriend, is actually really nice. 


Rewrite the sentence with proper punctuation: The boys needed to pay attention to the teachers lesson.

The boys needed to pay attention to the teacher's lesson.


Correct the following sentence: 

i want to live in sacramento, california.

I want to live in Sacramento, California.



Combine the following sentences to have proper parallel structure.

My brother likes to swim.

My brother likes running.

My brother likes to swim and run.


My brother likes swimming and running.