True or False--should you study the night before STAAR?
False - You should relax the night before STAAR.
True or false--always read directions and listen to your teacher before testing?
When can you use the TACOS strategy?
Maps, Charts, Graphs, excerpts
Name the 3 STAAR tests you are taking this year.
Science, Math (or Algebra), English
Name a relaxation strategy you can use during testing.
Deep breaths, brain breaks, think calming thoughts.
How many hours of sleep should you get the night before a test?
9-11 hours
True or is okay to change your first answer if you are not sure?
False - You should attempt to solve each problem so you can accurately answer.
If you absolutely must guess, research says to use strategies to eliminate answer choices to improve your odds. If you must guess then, stick with your first choice, unless you know it is wrong.
What Does the Strategy RAPP stand for?
R - Restate the question
A - Answer
P - Prove
P - Proofread
How long do students have to take the test?
1 day
Name another relaxation strategy to use.
Tighten and release muscles from head to toe, rub your temples, massage your shoulder or neck.
What kind of meal should you have the morning of the test?
A healthy breakfast
What do you need to do when answering every question?
Prove your answer/show your strategies/work
When writing a Short Constructed Response What Strategy should you use?
Describe what your pacing should look like during testing.
Goldlilocks pacing - Not too fast, not too slow ... just right.
True or false...your relaxation strategies should be slow and subtle, not causing anyone else to be distracted.
Give examples of a healthy breakfast.
Non-sugary items...instead eat protein, fruits, and grains like oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, bacon, sausage, breakfast burrito, bananas, and cheesesticks
For word problems, should you read the questions or the scenario first?
Read the question first.
If you know an answer is wrong, what should you do?
Cross it out so you can focus on the other choices
What other STAAR tests will you take in high school, after this year?
English 1, Biology, Algebra
What should you do when you find yourself losing focus or getting tired?
Take a mini brain break
Describe what you should wear on testing days.
Comfortable clothing
What do you do if you don't know the answer to a question?
Skip it, mark it (highlight key words, reduce answer choices by elimination), flag it, then move on, You cab come back after answering the easier questions.
What does TACOS stand for?
T - Time & Place
A - Action
C - Caption
O - Object
S - Summary
After you have marked all your answers, is it time to turn your test in?
NO ... you need to check all of your answers first!
Describe what positive self-talk is and give an example.
Say positive things to yourself / give yourself a pep talk.
You can say things like "You can do it, you're smart, you've got this!"