Where does the missing comma go?

When he got home from the park, Jack decided to take a nap in his favorite place his hammock.

Before his hammock.

When he got home from the park, Jack decided to take a nap in his favorite place, his hammock.


Where does the comma go?

I went to school so I could learn.

The comma is needed after school.

Tip: It is a compound sentence because it has a complete sentence to the left and to the right of the FANBOY "so." 


What resource can help you with spelling questions?

The resource that will help me is the dictionary. 

Tip: You should always look in the dictionary when you change one word for another word on the STAAR test.


What needs to be capitalized in this sentence?

When will dad return from the gym?

Capitalize the word dad.

Rule: Capitalize relationship words if you can substitute with someone's name.

When will Dad return from the gym? 

When will John return from the gym? 


What does the R in R.A.C.E. stand for?

Restate the question.


Where does the missing comma go?

My teacher, Ms. Finley has an adorable baby girl.

After after Finley because Ms. Finley is interrupting the sentence

My teacher, Ms. Finley, has an adorable baby girl.


The acronym "FANBOYS" stands for these words.

FANBOYS stands for the following words: 

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so 


What change should be made in the following sentence?

To many people go to this school.

You should change to to too.

Tip: To, too, and two are homophones. They sound the same but are spelled differently. If you are unsure which to choose, look in the dictionary.


Correct the following sentence:

Rosalin yelled, "I won the lottery!

Add quotation marks (") after !

Whatever words are spoken must have quotation marks at the front and back of the words spoken. 


What does the A in  R.A.C.E. stand for?

Answer the question.


Where does the comma go?

I can't believe that I read one of the longest books ever written War and Peace.

Before War and Peace

I can't believe that I read one of the longest books ever written, War and Peace.


Does there need to be a comma in this sentence? Yes or No

Spiderman is my favorite superhero because he is clever.

No, there is no need for a comma when the AAAWWUBBIS (because) is in the middle of a sentence. 


Where does the missing comma go?

Selina skipped detention; therefore, she got into trouble but she learned her lesson.

This is a run-on. BUT to complete this compound-complex statement.

Selina skipped detention; therefore, she got into trouble, but she learned her lesson.


Correct the following sentence:

There going to park there car over there.

The first "There" should be "They're".

The second "there" should be "their".

The last there is correct.

They're going to park their car over there. 


What does the C in  R.A.C.E. stand for?

Cite the evidence.


Where do the 2 apostrophes belong in this sentence? 

Ive heard that Disney Worlds prices went up.

Add apostrophes to make the words I've and World's. 

I've heard that Disney World's prices went up.


Does there need to be a comma in this sentence? Yes or No

While you were gone I cleaned your room and the kitchen as well.

Yes, a comma belongs after the word gone.

Tip: This is a complex sentence starting with an AAAWWUBBIS word. A comma always goes after the dependent clause where it pauses and an independent clause begins.


Fix the following statement (2 mistakes):

The thief had stole the radio and had broke the piggy bank. 

This statement has incorrect verb tense.

The thief had STOLEN the radio and had BROKEN the piggy bank.


What correction should be made to the following sentence?

The bowl of grapes were placed on the table. 

Change were to was

Rule: The subject and verb must agree. Bowl is the subject (not grapes), so it needs the singular subject was

The bowl of grapes was placed on the table. 


What does the E. in R.A.C.E. stand for?

Explain your answer.



Where does the apostrophe belong in this sentence?

The lions manes were magnificent! 

The apostrophe goes after the "s" in lions. 

Example: lions' manes


Fix the following sentence by placing 3 commas in the correct place:

During the hurricane I traveled to my sister's town Smithville Texas. 

Commas are needed after hurricane, town, and Smithville

Tip: During the hurricane is an introductory phrase. A comma is needed before the ending appositive (interrupter). A comma is also needed to separate a city from its state. 


Where does the semicolon (;) and comma (,) go in this sentence?

Mom wants the chores complete however she said I could do them tomorrow.

Add a semicolon after complete and a comma after however because it is a conjunctive adverb.

Mom wants the chores complete; however, she said I could do them tomorrow.


Correct the following sentence:

Glue sticks, pens, markers, and paper was at the top of the supply list.

Subject-verb agreement.

It should be: 

Glue sticks, pens, markers, and paper WERE at the top of the supply list.


If the prompt asks you to write a correspondence, what are you writing?

A letter