Figurative Language
Author's Purpose
Context Clues

The moral or lesson in the story

What is theme?


Identify the type of figurative language used here: She was as bright as the sun.

What is a simile?


What is the author's purpose for writing an advertisement for a water park?



What three parts should be included in a summary?

beginning, middle, end


What does plethora mean?

Regina remembered when she had just two pairs of shoes. Now, her closet holds a plethora of shoes in almost every color and every style.

a log, a bunch


When 2 characters in a play have a conversation, this is called___________.

What is dialogue?


Figurative Language

Tonight for the first time, Just about half past ten, For the first time in history, It's gonna start raining men, It's raining men, Hallelujah, It's raining men, amen.

What is hyperbole?


What is the author's purpose?

It was a dark and storm night. The wind was howling and the leaves were blowing in the cold night air.  The neighbor's dark was barking loudly.  It was hard to sleep with all the noise.



What point of view is this told from?

I hopped on my bike and rode to the store to buy my mom some milk.

1st person


What does the word elegant mean?

Roberta could not get over how elegant the cruise ship was.  The walls were paneled in beautiful wooed, there were fresh flowers on every table, and the floors were made of gleaming stone.

fancy, stylish


Where and when a story takes place



Identify the type figurative language used here:

April is the cruelest month of the year.

What is personification?


What is the author's purpose?

In 1900 a bad hurricane swept over the island of Galveston.  Homes, businesses, and stores were all destroyed.  Many people became homeless.  The Red Cross worked hard to help storm victims get food, clothing, and shelter.  Eventually, Galveston was able to rebuild. 



When you use prior knowledge and evidence from the text, this is called a/an_____________.

What is an inference?


What does the word lugubrious mean?

Tammy knew she should feel happy about the last day of school, but she actually felt quite lugubrious when she thought about the three months that were coming up?



Another word for problem in the story is _________



Figurative language 

The alarm clock buzzed at the time I was going to the bathroom.

What is Onomatopoeia?


What is the author's purpose?

Timmy was playing in his neighborhood.  

"Do you want to ride bikes?" his friend called.

"Sure!" said Timmy.

The boys rode all around the neighborhood laughing and having fun until it was time to go in for dinner.



What point of view is this written from?

When they had finished eating, they went all went back to watch the fireworks.  Jessie smiled as he watched them light up the sky.

3rd Person


What does the word misers mean?

Unlike her grandmother, who was very generous to her, Sarah's parents were misers who never bought her anything.

people who don't spend money on anyone


In drama, these help the reader "see" the scene. They are usually in parenthesis. They tell the actors what to do. 

What are stage directions?


What is the figurative language?

Time flies when you are having fun playing Jeopardy. 

What is an idiom?


What is the author's purpose?

To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you will need peanut butter, jelly, and 2 slices of bread.  First, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread.  Then, spread the jelly on the other slice of bread.  Put the two slices together and enjoy!



Setting: Where and when is the story taking place?

The swings and slides were abandoned.  So abandoned that she could hear her head pound, like little hands clamoring to escape prison.  On a nearby bench, she saw an afternoon paper—the crossword halfway complete—and she sat next to it, grateful for its lifeless company.  The wind blew and sent the leaves swirling and brushing up against her boney, exposed ankles. She tightened the scarf around her neck and pulled it up so that her mouth was covered, looked at her watch, and waited.  Waited. Waited.  When she finally saw him through the harsh darkness, she was too tired to get up.

What is a park in the winter at night?


What does the word felines mean?

I love all kind of felines, including tigers, lions, and even my kitty Fluffy.
