Figurative Lang./Poetry
Story Elements
Test Strategies
Non-Fiction Text Features
Reading Wild Cards

"The sea is a shiny emerald beneath the sky" is an example of a ...

What is a metaphor?


Authors who write fiction introduce these at the beginning of the story.

What is characters and setting?


True/False: Start reading the stories right when you get the test.

What is False?

Begin by previewing the story and questions.


This text feature helps me know what words are important to the text.

What are bold words, words in italics, and underlined words?


Includes main ideas from a passage and doesn't contain any details.

What is summary?


A group of lines in poetry, similar to a paragraph.

What is a stanza?


What is the point of view if the story is told by a character in the story?

What is first person?


True/False: For a paired passage, read each story as if it is its own story and answer the questions and THEN answer the questions for both.

What is True?

You DON'T want to get the two stories mixed up since the topics will be so similar to each other.


Author's of a non-fiction text use this to let the reader know what the main idea of a paragraph will be.

What is a heading or subtitle?


What does the formula BK+TC=I stand for?

What is: 

Background Knowledge+Text Clues=Inference?


Which of the following is a simile?

A. The teacher likes when the class pays attention.

B. The road was as flat as a pancake.

What is "B"?


Paying attention to what a character says and does help the reader to...

What is make character trait inferences?


When is the best time to bubble your answers on your answer document?

What is during the test as you finish a question or a passage?


This text feature helps you understand what a photograph is showing.

What is a caption?


Finding similarities and differences between two topics or two characters is called...

What is Compare and Contrast?


Poetry that does not necessarily rhyme.

What is free verse?


The conflict in a story is the...

What is the problem that needs to be solved?


What should you do while reading through the answers on a multiple choice question?

What is eliminate answers that are obviously incorrect?


What is the purpose of a text feature in a non-fiction text?

What is to support the text?


Watching a news story on the television and reading a newspaper are two different ways to find out what is happening in the world. What is a difference between these two types of media?

What is digital media vs. print media?


What is the strategy for previewing a poem?

What is: 1. Number stanzas

             2. Number lines

             3. Look at the end and see if it rhymes?


Authors sometimes include this hidden message or lesson in their stories.

What is a theme?


What is the reading strategy for a passage/selection/article?

1. Preview the text.

2. Preview the questions.

3. Read the text and write main idea to the side of paragraphs.

4. Answer questions correctly.


Explain the strategy for identifying context clues of an unknown word.

What is...

1. Box the word and underline the sentence it's in.

2. Read the sentences surrounding the word.

3. While you're reading, look for the word another place in the text for context clues.


The sequence of events in a story, play, or a narrative poem (introduction, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, resolution) is called...

What is PLOT?