Revise, Edit, Vocabulary
Test Taking
Expository Writing

Warren pushed the back door open with his elbow. He was dragging a heavy black plastic sack behind him. Thud, thud, thud. The bag thumped each stair Warren descended. Thud, thud, rip, drip, drip. The bag had gotten caught on a nail and a foul, odorous juice poured out, splashing Warren's leg. "Ew... gross!" Warren shouted as he adjusted the bag. He walked out to the alley and deposited the bag in a large plastic container, closing the lid behind him as he left, still muttering about his pants.

What is Warren doing?

a) taking a walk at the park 

b) moving 

c) taking out the trash  

c) taking out the trash 



(1) Everything, from grocery bags to diapers to cell phones, is now made to be disposable. (2) This means they are used one time or have a short lifespan and are meant to be replaced often. (3) This “disposable” culture has a negative effect on our planet’s resources. (4) Natural resources are dwindling, and landfills are overflowing. (5) People need to do better.

Jesse’s paragraph needs a stronger position statement. Which of the following could best replace sentence 5 and more effectively state the position Jesse is taking in this paper?

a)People need to buy only the disposable products that are made with recycled materials.

b)People need to buy products that use resources wisely and are meant to last for a long time.

b)People need to buy products that use resources wisely and are meant to last for a long time.


If a question asks to support with the strongest evidence. What are you looking for?





d) Proof


Which section of the English I STAAR Test is the best to start with?

a)Revising & Editing




d) essay 


What is the purpose of expository writing?

a)to explain or inform

b)to tell a story

c)to persuade

d)all of the above

a) to inform 


Warren pushed the back door open with his elbow. He was dragging a heavy black plastic sack behind him. Thud, thud, thud. The bag thumped each stair Warren descended. Thud, thud, rip, drip, drip. The bag had gotten caught on a nail and a foul, odorous juice poured out, splashing Warren's leg. "Ew... gross!" Warren shouted as he adjusted the bag. He walked out to the alley and deposited the bag in a large plastic container, closing the lid behind him as he left, still muttering about his pants.

Why does Warren get so angry when the bag spills on his leg?

a) Because it the bag 

b) Because all of the liquids from the trash fall onto his leg and on the ground.

c) Because he was stabbed by the nail.

b) Because all of the liquids from the trash fall onto his leg and on the ground.



(1) In the modern world, we want to make everything easy to do. (2) We would never think of making our own clothes and growing all our food. (3) It would take strength and countless hours to perform these tasks, and our economy provides these necessities for us.

Mary did not write an effective position statement for her paragraph. She would like to replace sentence 3 with a sentence that better articulates her position. Which of the following should she use?

a)Perhaps it’s time to go back to the past - we might be better for it.

b)We wouldn’t want to saddle up horses because that is a hard way to get around.

c)But we didn’t have modern medicines either, and people died a lot younger.

a)Perhaps it’s time to go back to the past - we might be better for it.


What is tone?

a)How the author says something 

b)How the reader feels

a) How the author says something


How many questions will be on the English I STAAR EOC?





c) 52


evidence (facts, statistics, examples) that supports the topic sentence

a) details

b) topic sentence

c) commentary

d) rhetorical question

a) details


Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red plastic cup about half way with white rice grains and handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from out of her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains inside of the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then went back to class. She felt relieved, but she was still a little worried. 

Why is Miya upset at the beginning of the passage?

a) She dropped her phone in the toilet 

b) She she urinated on herself in the bathroom. 

c) She needed to cook rice.

a) She dropped her phone in the toilet 




For many, the idea of bungee jumping is an extraneous risk and thus not worth taking. When everyday life has its own pitfalls and challenges, why would someone risk injury doing something unnecessary? A war more pragmatic point of view is to take risks only when you have something tangible to gain from them.

In the first sentence, the word extraneous means --



c) thus 

d) pitfalls

a) Extreme


What is mood?

a)How the reader feels 

b)How the author says something 

a) How the reader feels 


If you have to read a passage to answer a question what should you do first?

a) Read the passage

b) skim the passage

c) Read the question

d) Read the possible answers first

c) Read the question 



(1) Cars today are designed to endure damaging road conditions like potholes and salt corrosion. (2) Cell phones could last for years but many people want to get the latest cell phone. (3) They just upgrade but they are satisfied with keeping their cars for a decade. (40 On the other hand, houses built today are made of materials that will last much past ten years. (5) Not by accident, that is the average time consumers spend in their homes these days before selling and moving.

Marco has not provided a thesis statement. Which of the following should come after sentence 5 to serve as a thesis statement for this paragraph?

a)Consumers expect their products to be well built so they can sell them.

b)Used houses, cars, and phones might not be the value that they seem.

c)Consumers want something new every year or two except when it comes to cars.

d)Cars last because consumers keep them, but houses and phones are disposable.

d)Cars last because consumers keep them, but houses and phones are disposable.


Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red plastic cup about half way with white rice grains and handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from out of her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains inside of the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then went back to class. She felt relieved, but she was still a little worried. 

Why does Miya put her phone in the cup of rice?

a) To give to Ms. Lucille

b) To soak her phone after dropping it in the toilet. 

c) To give to her friend.

b) To soak her phone after dropping it in the toilet. 



For many, the idea of bungee jumping is an extraneous risk and thus not worth taking. When everyday life has its own pitfalls and challenges, why would someone risk injury doing something unnecessary? A far more pragmatic point of view is to take risks only when you have something tangible to gain from them.

Which word in the third sentence has the same meaning as “real”?



c) pitfalls

d) unfake 

b) tangible


After the walk through the dessert, Kim’s tongue felt dry as a bone.

What are the words in italics an example of?



c) Alliteration 

d) Hyperbole  

**BONUS 100**

What is a Hyperbole? 

a) Simile

**exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. "**


What do you do to eliminate answers? Choose all that apply

a) eliminate answers that are obviously wrong

b) make an educated guess

c) eliminate answers that are partly correct

d) get rid of answers that are correct but do not answer the question

a) eliminate answers that are obviously wrong

b) make an educated guess 

d) get rid of answers that are correct but do not answer the question


What should you do in an expository essay?

a)Tell a story

b)Persuade people

c)Explain like an expert

d) write about what you love

c) Explain like an expert


Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red plastic cup about half way with white rice grains and handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from out of her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains inside of the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then went back to class. She felt relieved, but she was still a little worried.

Why is Miya relieved but still worried at the end of the text?

a) because the rice may not help the phone work again. 

b) because she is going to fail Ms. Lucille's class. 

c) because she needed brown rice instead of white rice. 

**200 BONUS**

What part of the passage tells us why Miya is relieved, but still worried? 

a) because the rice may not help the phone work again. 

**Because the phone was still damp when she put it in the cup of rice. **



The pink granite dome that is the hallmark of Enchanted Rock State Natural Area tantalizes daring rock climbers and dreamy hikers alike. The park features eleven miles of hiking trails ranging from easy to laborious. Regardless of how you get to the pinnacle, the result is the same - a phenomenal view of the sublime Hill Country.

In the first sentence, the word tantalizes means --

a) Beckons

b) Teases

c) Frustrates

a) Beckons


You will be taking your English EOC on paper. 

a) True 

b) False

** BONUS 100**

Will you have a printed dictionary, a digital one or both?

a) True

***BONUS 100***



how does a reader make an inference

a) prior knowledge + clues from story

b) Guess

c)Proof in the story

d) assume

a) prior knowledge + clues from story


Which prompt BEST fits the following thesis?
"Experiencing happiness in what you do can lead to a fulfilling, exciting life."  

a) WRITE an essay explaining whether it is important to find joy in daily activities.

b) WRITE an essay explaining whether it is important to have goals.

c) WRITE an essay explaining whether it is important to learn from our experiences.

d) WRITE an essay explaining the importance of never giving up.

** BONUS 300**

What text example can use to help support the thesis statement in one of your body paragraphs? How?**

a) WRITE an essay explaining whether it is important to find joy in daily activities.

***BONUS 300** 

Answers many vary