OnTrack Test 1
OnTrack Test 1
OnTrack Test 2
OnTrack Test 2
OnTrack Test 2

Which factor most encouraged the growth of this trade?

The profitability of cash-crop agriculture


Which right best completes the diagram? 

A. The right to bear arms

B.Freedom to speak without fear of punishment

C.Protection from cruel and unusual punishment

D.Freedom of the press to report on court proceedings

C. Protection from cruel and unusual punishment


Which motive best completes the diagram?

A.To promote free enterprise

B.To extend democracy

C.To expand empires

D.To found utopian communities

C. To expand Empires

  • Sugar Act
  • Quartering Act
  • Stamp Act

These acts contributed to the start of the Revolutionary War by —

F.restricting colonial trade with American Indians

G.imposing regulations on colonial agriculture

H.angering colonists who believed that their civil liberties had been violated

J.punishing colonists for resisting the authority of Parliament

H. angering colonists who believed that their civil liberties had been violated


Reasons for European Exploration

  • To find new sea routes to India and China
  • To find gold, silver, and other treasure

Which reason best completes this list?

F.To spread democratic ideals

G.To improve efficiency in manufacturing

H.To locate potential military allies

J.To claim new territory

J. To claim new territory


United States, 1850s

Region Economy Contributing Factor

North Factories Numerous fast-flowing rivers

South Plantations Fertile soil for cash crops


Which economy and contributing factor best complete this table?

F.1) Large farms; 2) Slaves used for labor

G.1) Cottage industry; 2) Mild weather that attracted immigrants

H.1) Mining; 2) Metal ores and minerals

J.1) Ranching; 2) Railroads to transport cattle to market

1) Mining; 2) Metal ores and minerals


Which principle of U.S. government is illustrated in the sequence shown above? 

A.Judicial review

B.Checks and balances

C.Popular sovereignty


B. Checks and Balances


British colonists objected to the Proclamation of 1763 because they —

F.feared it would provoke attacks from American Indians

G.did not want to share control of the fur trade with France

H.resented the limits it imposed on westward expansion

J.wanted to be able to trade freely with foreign nations

H. resented the limits it imposed on westward expansion

  • Distance from Great Britain
  • Mayflower Compact
  • Town hall meetings

The factors listed above contributed most to the —

A.creation of alliances between British settlers and American Indians

B.election of British colonists to Parliament

C.growth of representative government in the British colonies

D.expansion of British trade in the Americas

C. growth of representative government in the British colonies


Which pair of actions best completes this graphic?

F.1—Enslaved native populations
2—Organized utopian societies

G.1—Established Catholic missions
2—Focused primarily on fur trading

H.1—Promoted political freedom
2—Participated in the triangular trade

J.1—Became commercial shipbuilders
2—Created an early system of public schools

G.1—Established Catholic missions
2—Focused primarily on fur trading


Why did the Anti-Federalists demand that a bill of rights be added to the U.S. Constitution?

To protect individual freedoms from the federal government

  • Unreasonable searches and seizures are illegal.
  • Search warrants may not be issued without probable cause.
  • The place to be searched and the people or items to be seized must be described in a warrant.

Which amendment provides for the protections described in this list? 

F. First Amendment

G.Fourth Amendment

H.Fifth Amendment

J.Tenth Amendment

G. Fourth Amendment


Which of the following best replaces the question mark in the diagram above?

A.Created a general council to manage the colonies

B.Experienced strict control by Parliament

C.Established their own representative institutions

D.Appointed governors who reported to the king

C. Established their own representative institutions


Which statement explains the significance of this colonial institution?

A.The assembly served as a model for other colonial legislatures.

B.Colonists used the assembly to overrule decisions of the royal governor.

C.The assembly sent delegates to Parliament to represent Virginia.

D.The king revoked Virginia’s charter because the assembly became too powerful.

A. The assembly served as a model for other colonial legislatures.


With which of the following arguments would the authors of The Federalist Papers most likely have agreed?
F. A bill of rights should be included in the Constitution before it is ratified.

G.Having a stronger central government will make the country more stable and prosperous.

H.The Three-Fifths Compromise will result in fair and equal representation.

J.Universal suffrage should be constitutionally guaranteed.

G. Having a stronger central government will make the country more stable and prosperous.


Catholics immigrated to the Maryland colony in the seventeenth century primarily to – 

F.profit from natural resources

G.avoid crop failures and famine

H.produce cash crops to pay off debts

J.escape persecution

J. escape persecution


From 1690 to 1760, Parliament and the king of England allowed colonists in America to exercise a great deal of control over local and regional matters. Historians have described this practice as “salutary neglect.”

Which of the following happened as a direct result of this policy?

A.The colonies developed a strong tradition of self-government.

B.Many proprietary colonies were converted to royal colonies.

C.The colonies refused to participate in a system of common defense.

D.Many colonies sought economic aid from other countries.

A. The colonies developed a strong tradition of self-government.


Which of the following best completes this diagram?

A.Colonists sought military support from France.

B.Colonists organized boycotts of British goods.

C.Colonists signed the Declaration of Independence.

D.Colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor.

B. Organized boycotts of British goods


Which excerpt from the Declaration of Independence best explains why colonists were unhappy about their lack of representation in the British parliament?
A. “He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people.”

B.“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.”

C.“He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”

D.“For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences.”

B. “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.”

  • The Mayflower Compact
  • The charter establishing the Virginia House of Burgesses
  • The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Which factor most contributed to the creation of the documents in this list?

A.The opportunity for trade with American Indians

B.The distance of the colonies from Great Britain

C.The doctrine of the Church of England

D.The economic system of mercantilism

B. The distance of the colonies from Great Britain


Which of the following was a primary reason France sought to colonize North America?

F.To reduce overpopulation in Europe

G.To create communities founded on religious tolerance

H.To profit from trading in furs and other goods

J.To create joint ventures with other European powers

H. To profit from trading in furs and other goods


How did mercantilist policies create tension between Great Britain and the colonies?

F.By introducing indentured servitude to the middle colonies

G.By requiring colonists to enlist in the military

H.By limiting the amount of farmland each colonist could have

J.By preventing colonists from trading with most other foreign countries

J. By preventing colonists from trading with most other foreign countries