4th grade
5th grade level 1
5th grade level 2
5th grade level 3
5th grade bonus

Classify the following into renewable or non-renewable resources:

coal, air, tree, petroleum, wheat, natural gas, sheep, lake, fish, wind energy

renewable resources: air, tree, wheat, sheep, lake, fish, wind energy

nonrenewable resources: coal, petroleum, natural gas


A student pours an equal amount of water and oil into a container.  They place a lid on the container and then shake the container for five seconds and let it sit form 10 minutes. What property of oil and water is being compared?  


Complete the sentence:

Sugar _____ in water while oil _____ on water.




Provide at least 3 descriptions of what happens in a landslide.

-large amounts of soil move all at once

-happens rapidly

-caused by earthquakes, volcanoes or large amounts of rain

-can change the direction of creeks and streams


Describe the strategy to find out if a circuit is complete

Use the screen protector to trace the flow to find whether a component turns on or not STARTING WITH A BATTERY


Which planet is the farthest from the sun?



Canyons and mesas are two landforms in the western United States. They are formed similarly. Describe the process.

Both are formed by erosion by wind and water over millions of years.


Volcanoes make what landform?

(volcanic) islands.


True or False:

Earthquakes occur on land and on ocean floor



Describe the strategy to answer questions about a food web.

Use the screen protector to trace the flow of energy and LABEL the PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS and DECOMPOSERS

*remember all energy begins with the sun


Common duckweed is a small plant that grows on the surface of many ponds and lakes. It is free floating and has a single root. In which ecosystem could it be observed and why? 

-A wetland? 

-A coastal? 

-A desert? 

-An underground river?

 A wetland, because it has slow moving water that won't damage the delicate roots, whereas coastal has rough waves, a desert is too dry and an underground river does not receive sunlight.


Sedimentary rocks are formed by what five processes?

Weather, erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation


Describe the length of shadows throughout a day.

Shadows are long in the morning then by noontime they are very short and above our head. Later they start to decrease in size until they disappear.


Deltas form by _____

deposition of sediments by rivers.


How do you find the variable in an investigation?

Find what is different -that is what is being tested. For example, if mass changes: what effect does mass have on ____. If height changes: how does height effect ____. 


Which group of animals could live in the African savanna that is a grassland that has warm temperatures all year long, a dry winter season and a rainy summer season? 

-a frog and monkey

- a horned lizard and a snake

- a buffalo and a polar bear

-a rhinoceros and a cheetah

A rhinoceros and a cheetah


Name two traits that help a cactus conserve water in the dry conditions of the West Texas desert ecosystem.

Sharp spines

waxy stems

shallow roots


What role does a prickly pear cactus play in a desert food web?

As a producer, it provides energy to consumers.

Antennae help organisms _________________

detect their surroundings


How do you ensure you will do well on science test?

Study your notes (especially pages 10-12). Get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast!


Three containers have 200 mL of water at 24 degrees. One is placed in a refrigerator, one is on a desk in front of a low-speed fan and another is on a windowsill in front of a window.  What will you notice about the volume in each after five days?

The one placed on the windowsill will have evaporated the most, while the one on the desk has some evaporation and the one in the refrigerator has the least evaporation.


Complete the following sentences:

Light travels __________.

Reflection ____________.

Refraction ____________.

Light travels in a straight line.

Reflection bounces light rays.

Refraction bends light rays.


Describe the energy in the following scenarios:

wind turbines spinning

hammer hitting a nail

wrecking ball breaking down a building

mechanical energy


A complete circuit requires ____________

a battery (power source) and a device (heat, light, sound) to turn on


Science is easy?

Yes! Just read carefully! You got this!!!