Parts of the Essay
Test Format/Strats

What are the three types of paragraphs in a completed essay?

Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


Where would you find the essay prompt?

What is "Somewhere within the reading section"?


Does this sentence show off 'effective' language: "I put your backpack somewhere over there, behind the thing that has the other thing on top of it, you know, like, over there behind that one thing."

What is "no"? 


Are summaries of the text good enough to count as "text evidence" for your essay or your SCR?

What is "No"?


Revise this sentence: your so silly

What is: "You're so silly."


How many body paragraphs should your essay have (AT LEAST)?

What is "2"?

What is the character limit for your essay?

What is "2300"? (AKA, the reason you should try to pull quotes that are only about a sentence long)


What is a synonym for the "mood" of a story?

What is "Feeling," "Atmosphere," or "Vibe"?


Fill in the blank: I can ____ that my friends broke up recently. They aren't sitting with each other at lunch anymore, and they haven't mentioned each other this week at all.

What is "infer"?


Revise this sentence: I really liked reading the hunger games because it was so entertaining.

What is "I really liked reading The Hunger Games because it was so entertaining."


Which paragraph do you restate your thesis in slightly different words?

What is the "Conclusion"?


How many SCRs will you have to write? How many paragraphs does it have to be?

What is "1" and "1"?


Fill in the blank. The word 'interested' has a more positive ________ than the word 'nosy'.

What is "connotation"?


How can you tell when the test is asking you to write an SCR or an essay?

What is "The test will literally say 'write an essay'" OR "Look at the character limit"?


Revise this sentence: You have been preparing all year, there's no need to be stressed about the STAAR.

What is: "You have been preparing all year, so there's no need to be stressed about the STAAR." or "You have been preparing all year; there's no need to be stressed about the STAAR."


What is the formula for your thesis statement?

What is "Your position on the topic + reason 1 + reason 2 + optional reason 3"?


What does ATE stand for? When during the test do you use it? (Essay, grammar, reading questions, reading passage, SCRs, etc.)

What is "Answer, Text evidence, Explanation" and "During the SCR"?


Give a rebuttal to this argument: English is the least helpful subject in school. No one will ask you to write essays in the real world.

A rebuttal is a "counterargument." Accurate responses to this question will include points about how grammar skills/reading comprehension can apply to any field.


What is a topic sentence and where should it be in an essay?

What is "The sentence that tells what your paragraphs will be about" and "The TOP of your body paragraphs"?


Revise this sentence: We went to the store, and the gas station on the way home; needed some snacks.

What is: "We went to the store and the gas station on the way home; we needed some snacks." OR "We went to the store and the gas station on the way home because we needed some snacks."


Accurately draw the entire graphic organizer for an essay. (Intro, body, conclusion, topic sentence, thesis, context, restate thesis, quotes, connection must be included)

The group that does this most accurately will get the points.


What does SPA stand for? When during the test do you use it? (Essay, grammar, reading question, reading passage, SCRs, etc.)

What is "Summarize, Predict, and Ask" and "When reading a passage"?


What is the difference between dramatic irony and situational irony? Give definitions and examples of each one.

What is "Dramatic irony = when the reader knows something the characters don't, situational irony = when the opposite of what you're expecting to happen actually happens"? Accurate examples must be given to earn the points.


Give me an example of a theme from the Hunger Games.

Accurate responses could include things like: "Survival requires morally gray decisions," or "Friendship helps you survive in harsh situations."


Do you need commas before the word because? For example, does this sentence need a comma: "I want to go to CAST Tech, because it prepares me for the workforce."

What is "no"?