STARR Questions
ET Questions
Informative Essay

(2) Hikers who complete the entire trail pass through varied types of wilderness, including scrubby desert lands, forested hills, and jagged peeks. 

What change needs to be made in sentence 2?

A    Insert a comma after Hikers

B    Change who to that

C    Change pass to passes

D    Change peeks to peaks

D    Change peeks to peaks

The word "peeks" in the original sentence is incorrect because it is a misspelling of "peaks." "Peaks" refers to the pointed tops of mountains, which fits the context of the sentence describing the varied wilderness terrain hikers encounter. Therefore, changing "peeks" to "peaks" is necessary for accuracy and clarity in the sentence.


Read the paragraph.(1) Everyone should have a dog! (2) Dogs require a great deal of work and attention, and the benefits of having a dog outweigh any of the naysayers' complaints. (3) Dogs make great companions, offer security, and can actually improve a person's health. (4) In addition, dogs are also tons of fun! 

Which revision of the underlined portion of sentence 2 best improves the development of the counterargument?

A. but

B. since

C. so

D. while 

A. but


The primary purpose of an informational essay

To inform or explain a topic  


The main goal of an argumentative essay 

To persuade the reader to adopt the writer's viewpoint or take a specific action on an issue.


The purpose of a letter 

Communicate or convey a message to a specific individual or organization


(9) The project got a boost when President Lyndon B. Johnson designated the PCT as one, of two national trails in 1968. 

What change should be made in sentence 9?

A    Change boost to boosted

B    Change President to president

C    Delete the comma after the word one

D    Change national to National

D    Change national to National

In this sentence, "national" should be capitalized because it is part of the proper noun phrase "National Trails," referring to a specific designation given by President Lyndon B. Johnson. When referring to official titles or specific entities, such as the National Trails System, the word "national" is capitalized to indicate its proper noun status. Therefore, changing "national" to "National" ensures correct capitalization in this context.


Which choice is the best revision of the underlined portion of the sentence?

Read the sentence from the sample student essay.

Sasse is making a major assumption here many of my friends and classmates have part-time jobs after school or on the weekends.

Which choice is the best revision of the underlined portion of the sentence?

A. here: many of my friends and classmates.

B. here; many of my friends and classmates

C. here, many of my friends and classmates

D. here, so many of my friends and classmates 


B. here; many of my friends and classmates

The supports used in your essay.

Information/Evidence from text, data, facts, and/or resources. 


The key components of an argumentative essay

Introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs presenting supporting evidence and counterarguments, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the main points.


The essential component at the beginning of a formal letter

"Dear" to whom the letter is addressed. 


(11) The scientists believe that the process of learning to play an instrument exercises the same region of the brain that humans use for memory. (12) When people are training to become musicians, they are also training their memory. (13) But the benefits of playing an instrument don’t stop with reaction times and memory.

What is the most effective transition to add to the beginning of

sentence 12?

A    Furthermore

B    Therefore

C    However

D    To illustrate

D    To illustrate


Read the sample student writing.One theme of “Traveler, your footprints” by Antonio Machado is that our lives are a unique journey. For example, Machado writes, “Traveler, there is no road; you make your own path as you walk.” The words road and path are metaphors for our lives. This shows the point that our choices create a life that has not been lived before. 

Which choice best revises the underlined word to make the sentence more effective?

A. focuses

B. emphasizes

C. mainfests

D. identifies 

B. emphasizes


The role of transitions in an informational essay and how they contribute to coherence and cohesion.

Transitions are words or phrases that connect ideas and paragraphs, helping to create smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs, and improving the flow and readability of the essay.


Argument validity comes from what? 

Fact-based evidence 

How does the tone and language differ between formal and informal letters?

Formal letters use polite and respectful language with a professional tone, while informal letters may use casual language and a more personal tone.


The study found that professional musicians have the most gray matter, as reported in The Journal of Neuroscience. 

What revision, if any, is needed in sentence 16?

A    The study, as reported in The Journal of Neuroscience, found that professional musicians have the most gray matter.

B    The study found that professional musicians, as reported in The Journal of Neuroscience, have the most gray matter.

C    The study was reported in The Journal of Neuroscience, it found that professional musicians have the most gray matter.

D    No change is needed.

B    The study found that professional musicians, as reported in The Journal of Neuroscience, have the most gray matter.


Which version of the sentence is punctuated correctly?

Small rockets controlled the descent through the atmosphere while the dense heat shield designed in part to withstand a dust storm protected the craft.

A. Small rockets controlled the descent through the atmosphere, and the dense heat shield—designed in part to withstand a dust storm—protected the craft.

B. Small rockets controlled the descent through the atmosphere—and the dense heat shield designed in part to withstand a dust storm—protected the craft.

C. Small rockets, controlled the descent through the atmosphere, and the dense heat shield—designed in part to withstand a dust storm—protected the craft.

D. Small rockets controlled the descent through the atmosphere, while the dense heat shield designed in part to withstand a dust storm protected the craft. 

A. Small rockets controlled the descent through the atmosphere, and the dense heat shield—designed in part to withstand a dust storm—protected the craft.


How does the revising stage of the writing process differ in an informational essay compared to other types of essays?

Focused on providing accurate information, logical structure, and clear explanations to enhance understanding.


The writer effectively addresses counterarguments in an argumentative essay by doing this. 

Acknowledgement and Rebuttal with evidence 


The importance of selecting an appropriate tone and language for a letter and how it influences the reader's perception.

Establishes the writer's credibility, professionalism, and respectfulness, fostering a positive impression on the reader and increasing the likelihood of achieving the letter's intended purpose.


(17) She climbed reluctantly into the back seat. (18) She rested her head against a pillow and promptly fell into a deep slumber. 

What is the most effective way to combine sentences 17 and 18?

A    After climbing reluctantly into the back seat, she rested her head against a pillow and promptly fell into a deep slumber.

B    She climbed reluctantly into the back seat, and she rested her head against a pillow, and she promptly fell into a deep slumber.

C    As she climbed reluctantly into the back seat, she rested her head against a pillow that promptly fell into a deep slumber.

D    She climbed reluctantly into the back seat, she rested her head against a pillow and promptly fell into a deep slumber. 

B    She climbed reluctantly into the back seat, and she rested her head against a pillow, and she promptly fell into a deep slumber.


Read the sample student writing.

I needed money and getting my first summer job seemed like the only option. My mom suggested babysitting for our neighbors who needed their toddler watched a couple of hours a day. It made sense since I could just walk over to their house, but they required I take a babysitting class before I could start. It was super annoying spending an entire Saturday (not being paid) learning how to take care of little kids. On my first day babysitting, however, I realized that the Saturday class may have been really important. I was making macaroni and cheese for the little guy when he started going toward the stove that had a pot of boiling water on it. That's when I remembered that they said in my class to always face the handles of a pot toward the wall. I swiftly turned the handle just as his little chubby hand was reaching up for it. I guess babysitting classes can be helpful! 

Which choice best revises the introductory sentence to further develop the draft?

A. When I got my first summer job, I didn't realize I'd also learn a valuable lesson.

B. Babysitting is definitely the best summer job out there!

C. I needed money for a school trip to Washington, DC.

D. My neighbors have a little toddler who can be a handful. 

A. When I got my first summer job, I didn't realize I'd also learn a valuable lesson.


Strategies used during the editing and proofreading stages to improve the quality of their informational essay.

Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, and seek feedback from peers or instructors to identify areas for improvement.


These rhetorical devices enhance persuasion in an argumentative essay. 

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos


The topic of the last letter written in class. 

Criminal Justice improvement to the U.S Supreme Court.