Main Idea
Text Structure

What is the difference between a title and a subtitle in a text?

Title- tells what the whole text is about (main idea of whole text)

Subtitle- tells what a paragraph is mostly about (main idea of paragraph)


What are at least two synonyms for the vocabulary word “theme”?

Message, moral, lesson


What does it mean if something is in chronological order?

The text is written in time order

Example: timeline

What are props in a drama? 

Give at least 2 examples.

The extra items on stage

Examples will vary.


List at least 3 keywords that you could find in a text that compares and contrasts

Same, different, difference, similar, similarities, both, common, also


Do you wear a helmet when you ride a bike? The majority of people do not. In fact, it is estimated that only 20 to 25% of bicyclists wear helmets, even though they know that wearing a helmet could save their life if they were involved in a bicycle accident. Consider this sobering statistic: nearly 75% of all fatal bicycle crashes involve head injuries. Furthermore, 722 people were killed in bicycle crashes in 2012 and 83% of those killed were not wearing helmets. Wear a helmet when riding a bike- it could save your life!

Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A) Bicycle Crashes

B) The Proper Way to Wear a Bicycle Helmet

C) Types of Bicycle Helmets

D) A Bike Helmet Could Save Your Life


Bonus: What is the author’s purpose of the text?


Which of the following words are NOT synonyms?

A. Hyperbole and Exaggeration

B. Point of View and Perspective

C. Solution and Resolution

D. Climax and Conflict 

D. Climax and Conflict

Bonus: What happens in a climax of a fiction story?


Tell me what a cause is and what an effect is. Then give me at least one example of cause and effect.

Cause- what happens

Effect- what happens because of the cause

Examples will vary.


What is the difference between the cast and the crew in a play?

Cast: People on the stage (actors and actresses)

Crew: People behind the scenes


What do you call the person who writes, a regular story, a poem and a drama?

(There are three answers)





What is the main idea of the following text?

The ancient Egyptians followed a lengthy process to preserve dead bodies. Mummification, or the process of preserving a body, took seventy days. First, the body was washed and purified. Then, all organs except the heart were removed (they believed the heart was the center of intelligence and emotion). Next, they filled the body with stuffing and then covered it with natron, a salt-like substance that dried the bodies. After 40-50 days had passed the stuffing was removed and replace d with linen or sawdust. Finally , the body was wrapped in strips of linen and placed in the stone coffin, called a sarcophagus. Now the mummy was ready to travel to the afterlife.

A) Egyptians preserved dead bodies so that they could travel to the afterlife.

B) Egyptians believe that the heart was the center of intelligence and emotion.

C) Natron was used to dry out a mummy’s body.

D) Egyptians followed a series of steps to properly preserve a dead person’s body


Bonus: What is the text structure of the text?


If you enjoy reading, you should join a book group. When you join a book group you have the opportunity to read many different books. You will also get to participate in interesting book discussions. You may even make new friends.

What is the author’s purpose of the text? How do you know?

To persuade or convince- trying to get you to join a book group


Bonus: What is the author’s point of view?

1st, 2nd or 3rd


Spending too much time in the sun can lead to sunburn, dehydration, and even skin cancer. One way to help prevent those things from happening is to make sure that you wear sunscreen whenever you are outside. It is a good idea to avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day, between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

What is the text structure of this text?

A) Description

B) Sequence

C) Cause and Effect

D) Problem and Solution

E) Compare and Contrast

D) Problem and Solution


What changes when the setting changes in a play?

A) the characters

B) the conflict

C) the setting

D) all of the above

C) the setting

Bonus: What do you call a group of scenes in a drama or play?


Part 1: Name at least 1 biome that is endangered.

Part 2: Name at least 2 animals that are endangered.

Rainforest or Coral Reef

Tigers, Sea Turtles, etc.


What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Potatoes are one of the most versatile foods in the world.You can bake a potato and eat it whole, or you can cut it up and roast it in the oven. Many people boil potatoes and then beat them until the potatoes are smooth, creating mashed potatoes that can be covered in gravy. Potatoes can be made into French fries, potato chips, hash browns, soft dumplings, or potato salad. Cooks often use potatoes in soups and casseroles. No one can accuse the potato of being useless!

A) Potatoes are delicious to some people and not to others.

B) There are a variety of ways that potatoes can be prepared.

C) The best way to eat a potato is to mash them and then pour gravy over them.

D) Some methods of cooking potatoes are more nutritious than others.



"The car complained constantly as the key was roughly turned in the ignition." is an example of both...

Alliteration and personification


“Hannah happily hit the hay.” Is an example of both…


Today more people are connected to the internet than ever before, not only at home, but also on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many of these people now get their news from the internet rather than reading newspapers. As a consequence, many newspapers have gone out of business.

What is the text structure of the text?

A) Description

B) Sequence

C) Cause and Effect

D) Problem and Solution

E) Compare and Contrast

C) Cause and Effect


Part 1: What are stage directions in a drama?

Part 2: What punctuation are always included with stage directions on a a script?

Words on the script that tell the actor what emotions to use while saying their lines or what actions they should use

Parenthesis ()


Give 3 reasons to back up this claim.

“Getting enough sleep is important for every student.”

Possible answers:

-Without sleep students can’t focus in class

-If you get enough sleep you have more energy for the day

-Students will fall asleep in class and get in trouble for it


King Kong, Grave Digger, and Bear Foot are well-known monster trucks. Bigfoot, however, is known as the original monster truck. It was built and operated by Bob Chandler. He began building the first Bigfoot in 1975, using his family’s four-wheel-drive pickup truck. In 1979, Chandler began making appearances at tractor pull events. In 1981, he crushed two old cars in a field and had it video-taped so he could show it in his auto shop. A man saw the video and asked Chandler to perform the same stunt in front of a crowd. It quickly became popular, and now millions of people buy tickets to watch monster trucks in action.          

Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A) Crunching Cars

B) 1981: The Year of the Monster Truck

C) The Original Monster Truck

    D) Monster Truck Names                                  


Bonus: What is the text structure of the text?


Every fiction story has a plot (as a text structure). Draw and label all of the parts a plot line.

Introduction or Exposition

Rising Action


Falling Action



Bonus: Describe what happens in the Rising Action of a fiction story.


List the 6 main types of nonfiction text structures.


Cause and Effect

Problem and Solution


Compare and Contrast

Chronological Order


Part 1: What is dialogue in a drama or play?

Part 2: Give an example of dialogue.

The words spoken by the actors in a drama.

Jill: “Hello, How are you?”

Jack: “I’m great!”

Jill: “Good to hear! I’m doing good as well.”


Bonus: What is a monologue in a drama or play?


What is an index? What do you use it for and where is it located in a book?

Something at the back of a nonfiction book. It tells you what page or pages a certain word is on


Bonus: What is a table of contents? What do you use it for and where is it located in a book?