Story Elements
Affix Concentration
Make Inferences (Tell what the inference is in each passage)
Context Clues (Tell what the CAPITALIZED word means)
The time and place in which the story occurs. The time and place can be general or specific.
What is setting?
What is the prefix "mis"?
Most high schools have "honors" meetings. Students in different areas get awards at the end of the year. When students are honored for work in a certain subject, they receive a certificate. Students who are honored for sports usually get a "letter," the first initial of the school's name. Students who win these fuzzy letters usually sew them to a school jacket. What is likely about the letters?
What is the letters are made out of cloth?
My brother decided to bake a cake for my father's birthday. The cake turned out perfectly, but my mother was CROSS with my brother. The reason she was CROSS was he did not clean up the mess he had made while fixing the cake.
What is upset/mad/unhappy with?
The person, animal, or thing that the story is mostly about. Without this, there can be no story.
What is main character/protagonist?
What is before?
Thousands of years ago, schools in India did not teach reading, writing, or math. A guru, or Indian leader, was the master. He taught the students how to separate right from wrong. The students lived in mud huts with other students. Life for students was supposed to be uncomfortable. They were supposed to think about helping and serving the guru. In fact, each student had to beg other people for money to give to the guru. What is likely about the Indian teacher?
What is thousands of years ago, an Indian teacher was called a guru?
I was a passenger on a plane last week. The plane was supposed to land in London. It was too foggy to land in that city. The plans were ALTERED and we landed in Paris instead.
What is changed?
The turning point in the action where you can predict the outcome of the conflict.
What is the climax?
one who
What is the definition for the suffix "er"?
In the 1700s, girls learned to read and write at home from their parents or tutors. They attended private schools to learn good manners such as how to curtsy, speak pleasantly, and dress neatly. At mealtime, girls had to be able to make interesting conversation. Correct grammar and manners were the two most important things taught at a private school. What is likely about what was NOT taught at private schools?
What is reading and writing were not important?
Twice a week, I run with the track team. The track team is a group of people who like to run. Running tires you out. If you do not rest or sleep enough, you might lose a race because you are too FATIGUED to do well.
What is tired?
The struggle the main character is having with himself, another character, or thing.
What is the conflict/problem/wish?
What is resembling?
It was almost eight in the morning. Quickly, Craig jumped out of bed and pulled on his silver suit. School was at eight sharp! He raced to the screen and punched in his student number. Ms. Thorne appeared on the screen. "Good morning, Craig," she said. "Today you will learn all about multiplication, verbs, and the Middle Ages. I'm sending three learning pills through the receiver. Take them, and your lessons will be done for the day." What is likely about the setting of this story?
What is the setting is in the future?
Now that it's spring again, I'm going to ride my bike. First I'll have to find an air pump. I'll use the pump to INFLATE the tires.
What is air up/blow up?
The inciting force, rising action, climax, and falling action.
What is the plot?
What is is, can be?
Ned, Cory, Jim, and Brenda sat in a booth. A checked cloth covered the table. The menu was printed on a giant pizza pan. "The usual?" asked the waitress. "Yeah!" shouted the friends together. For the last two years, they had been coming to Luigi's for pizza every Friday night. They'll NEVER get sick of pizza! What is likely about these friends?
What is the friends order the same thing each time they come to Luigi's?
My aunt bought me a shirt that is size 14. She has not seen me for four years and since then I have grown. My shoulders are much BROADER now. My aunt said she would exchange the shirt for a size 15.
What is wider?