STAAR Strategies

The genre that is used to express a strong feeling and has rhythm.

What is poetry?


What is the best way to combine sentences 1 and 2

(1) Benelli likes to run outside along the fence. (2) Chases the neighbors dog. (3) They run up and down all day long. (4) Then Benelli sleeps for the rest of the afternoon. 

Benelli likes to run outside along the fence and chase the neighbors dog. 


The parts that make up an ECR. 

What is an introduction, reasons, text evidence, and a conclusion?


This text feature is used to show the reader a picture of what they are reading about or better explain what they are reading about. 

What is a photograph?


The way to prove text evidence for each question. 

What is folding our paper into 8 squares?

The genre that has stage directions and acts/scenes.

What is drama?


What change if any should be made to sentence 3. 

(1) Saw and I go to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon for ingredients. (2) We are making a loaf of sourdough bread with my sister. (3) The steps to follow include mixing the ingredients letting the dough rise for many hours, forming the dough, and cooking the dough to make the bread. (4) We can eat our bread when it is done with butter and jelly. 

add a comma after "mixing the ingredients" 


What is the introduction paragraph used for?

To get the readers attention and share what your ideas are. 


This text feature tells the reader what that section of the text will be about.

What is a subtitle?


The strategy we use to better understand a text. 

What is a PAST Triangle?


The genre that is used to inform the reader about a topic.

What is informational?


How could you rewrite sentence 2?

(1) The weekend is always fun when you get to spend time with family. (2) They eat dinner. (3) We like to make homemade dessert for everyone to share.



How should your plan on a page look? 

Why is is important to NOT skip the plan on a page?


So that we can plan out our writing to make sure it makes sense. 


The lesson the author wants to teach you through their story. 

What is theme?


We can do this if we get tired. 

Get up and take a break. You can walk the hall and come back to take a mental break. 


The genre that has a theme, plot, characters, and a setting. 

What is literary?


Which sentence does not support the paragraph. 

(1) Stuard Elementary is the best school in the district. (2) We use the CAT statement to make sure we are being respectful and responsible. (3) We get to go to recess and specials everyday in our school. (4) Recess is cool and fun with my friends. Ms. Griffin and Mrs. Emmitte help keep us safe. (5) Our teachers encourage use daily. (6) I think everyone should come to school at Stuard because it is clearly the best. 

Sentence 4


What conclusion best fits this prompt?

Explain why animals love the spring time. 

Those are the reasons why I think animals love the spring time. 

As you can see spring time is the best time if you are an animal. 


The 4 parts that make up a literary text? 

1. plot (conflict/solution)

2. setting

3. characters

4. theme


Mrs. Shaunfield's expectation. 

TRY YOUR BEST and take your time. 


The genre that provides a claim and uses the author's opinion or facts. 

What is argumentative? 


What is the best way to combine these two sentences?

The dog's dream was to be in a dog show. He practiced his tricks daily. 

The dog's dream was to be in a dog show, so he practiced his tricks daily. 


The best INTRODUCTION for this prompt. 

Explain why you think being in 3rd grade is the best grade. 

3rd grade is the best year in elementary school. There are many reasons why I think 3rd grade is the best grade ever, but here are my 2 favorite reasons. 


The 3 main parts that make up an informational text. The strategy we use to better understand the text.

Organizational pattern, central idea, text features

PAST Triangle


The steps for creating your ECR. (all 5)

1. reading the question

2. reading the passage

3. create a plan on a page

4. create your final draft

5. type your final draft.