Revising and Editing

This is the process of using prior knowledge plus what you read in the text to garner a deeper understanding.

What is an inference? 


This concept includes similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification as it is used to elevate an author's writing. It is usually found in fiction and poetry. 

What is Figurative Language?


The number of writing types on the STAAR and what they are called. 

What is two? What is SCRs and ECRs?


These are conjunctions used to combine two sentences.

What is FANBOYS?


This is an action that we perform when we don't know the definition of a word. 

What is look up the word in a dictionary?


You uncover this concept when you analyze the author's word choice. It typically reveals the author's attitude about the subject matter. 

What is author's tone?


This information usually comes before the title of the story. It should not be skipped as it typically provides context for the excerpt you are assigned to read.

What is Background Information?


The most important statement in your ECR. Without it, you will receive a score of a 0. 

What is a Thesis Statement? 


The apple which looked delicious, was sitting on the counter. My brother picked them up and took them to practice. 

What is add a comma after apple, and change "them" to "it."


The overall emotion and atmosphere the author intends the reader to feel while reading.

What is a mood?


A literary device used by a writer to display a character's physical characteristics, personality traits, motivations, private thoughts, and actions. 

What is characterization? 


Your exam will occasionally provide you a quote, or a line, from a story with the location that it came from in a question. Prior to answering the question, you should perform this action so that you can have context prior to selecting an answer.

What is go back and read the line or quote within the context of the story. 


Your STAAR could potentially ask you to write this genre of ECR. You will be explaining a concept, or aspect, of a text as it is presented in the story.

Example: Explain the significance of the balcony in the excerpt "Daydream." 

What is expository/informational?


The advice that my mother gave me a few weeks ago really opened my eyes. She says to treat others how you want to be treated. 

What is change "says" to "said." 


These argumentative components are what differentiates an argumentative ECR from an expository ECR

What is a claim, primary argument, counterargument, and rebuttal 

bonus --> "biases/opinionated"


Uses vivid description that appeals to reader's senses to create mental images with words

What is imagery?


Before I read a passage, I analyze the title to do what? 

What is make predictions? 


Your STAAR could potentially ask you to write this genre of ECR. You will be providing your position on a concept, or aspect, based off of what you read in the text and using text evidence to prove your point.

Example: Write a composition in which you argue for or against the implementation of free healthcare for Americans. 

What is Argumentative/Persuasive?


The divercity of environments’ on Earth presents design challenges that have put Gan and the other engineers to the test.

What is change divercity to diversity?


This must be true of two sentences to join them by a semicolon (;).

What is they must be related and both independent.


The author's reason, or motivation, for writing a specific text. 

What is Author's Purpose? 


When provided pair passages, you should track these two aspects.

Similarities and Differences


What 5 writing conventions do you need to be aware of when constructing your ECR?

What is sentence construction, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling?

In order to "revise" a passage, you must do this. Otherwise, you will not have the context necessary to revise (remove/add sentences, change words, take out unnecessary information, and all other adjustments)

What is "read and analyze the passage?"


What is the topic in this theme?

People should value the principle of love because it is rare that you find people with whom you develop a deep emotional connection with.

What is Love?