Making Inferences
Author's Purpose
Definitions 2
What information do you need to make an inference?
what you already know and context clues or informaiton from the passage
A book containing several fairytales. What is the author's purpose?
to entertain
A fact is....
a statement that can be proven
An onomatopoeia is...
a word that represents a sound
What is the resolution of the conflict?
the solution to the problem
Albert stormed into his apartment and threw down his lunchbox. He had just lost his job. Albert had worked for the same company for over ten years. But today he was informed that he was no longer needed. Albert didn't know what to do. Based on what you have read, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: a.Albert threw down his lunchbox. b.Albert's job lasted over ten years. c.Losing his job made Albert upset. d.Albert lived in a house with his parents.
c.Losing his job made Albert upset.
A book about how dogs are better than cats. What is the author's purpose?
to persuade
An opinion is....
a statement of someone's feelings about something
"The reader can conclude that..." means
you are expected to draw a conclusion
The stove temperature was set too high, so the cake burned. Name the cause and then the effect.
The cause is the oven temperature was too high. The effect is that the cake burned.
The van was packed full, and some things were attached to the luggage rack on top. My mom and dad, two sisters, and I left early Saturday morning for a one week vacation. We were going about halfway, 400 miles, the first day. My dad had made a reservation at a motel just off the highway. We were moving along on schedule, when all of a sudden there was a bang, and the car lurched. My father grasped the steering wheel tightly to keep the car under control, and then drove it onto the shoulder of the road out of the way of traffic. What do you think happened? a. We were out of gas. b. The things of the top of the car had fallen off. c. The car hit a rock. d. We had a blowout.
d. We had a blowout.
Everyone should visit Spain, at least once in their life, because it is an incredibly beautiful place. Spain is a country that is full of beautiful architecture that ranges back both to the Caliphates and to the Christian kingdom. Spain also has a rich history of music and dance, and anyone who enjoys dancing will have a good time in Spain. Spain also has some of the most delicious food, which includes a variety of seafood, soup, and rice dishes. Spain’s beautiful scenery, enjoyable music, and mouth-watering food are some of the reasons that everyone should visit Spain. Why did the author most likely write this selection?
To persuade the reader to vist Spain.
The word sequentially means....
a sequence of events or events that are in order
"The passage is mostly about" is what type of question?
main idea
Vicky got a vacuum cleaner because she wanted to clean the house. Name the cause and then the effect.
Cause: She wanted to clean the house. Effect: Vicky got a vacuum cleaner.
Kay threw her bike down wherever she stopped. More than once she had left her bicycle in the driveway. Several times her dad had pointed out what could happen when she did this. One morning as her dad was leaving for work, Kay heard a crashing sound outside. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: a. Kay rode her bike often. b. Kay learned a lesson from her mistake. c. Kay's dad ran over her bike. d. Her bike was stolen from the garage.
c. Kay's dad ran over her bike.
Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder was born on February 7, 1867 in Pepin, Wisconsin to Charles and Caroline Ingalls. She met and married Almanzo James Wilder in 1885. She published many books based on her travels to the west. Her writing became the basis for the " Little House" series She died in 1957. What is the main reason the author wrote this selection?
To inform the reader about Laura Wilder and her life.
Alliteration is...
the use of the same beginning consonant sound in a set of words
"The author probably wrote this selection to..." requires the use of two things from the passage. What are those two things?
author's purpose and the main idea
Joanne's mother came up to the school to get the cell phone the teacher had confiscated. What does the word confiscated mean?
took up, taken away The mother had to come to the school to get the phone.
Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood. Based on what you have read, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: a. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time. b. Floods only occur along the coast. c. Floods are not that dangerous. d. After flood waters dry up then the problem is over.
a. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time.
Rosie had the best time making her valentine cards for her classmates. She used red and white paper, heart stickers, markers and anything else she could find. It was great. Her friends are planning a valentine party on Feb. 14th at school. The one she made for her best friend is funny. Funny valentines are nice to get. The author probably wrote this selection for what reason?
The author's purpose was to entertain us with a story about Rosie's Valentine's Day.
Third person omniscient point of view is...
when the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters in the story
What is figurative language or a literary device? Name two examples.
language that is not meant to be taken literally or the use of words that go beyond their normal meaning ex: similie, metaphor, personification, idiom, etc.
Since it was a school day, Denise thought it was peculiar that she saw no children on the street during her drive to work. What does peculiar mean? What are the context clues you used to figure it out?
strange or odd The fact that it was a school day tells us that there should have been children on the street.