Story Elements
Context Clues (Tell what the CAPITALIZED word means)
Make Inferences (Tell what the inference is in each passage)
Affix Concentration
The person, animal, or thing that the story is mostly about.
What is main character/protagonist?
We planned to go to the park today and have a picnic. When we woke up, the rain was pouring down. We had to REVISE our plans. Instead of going out for a picnic, we spread the blanket on the living room floor and had our picnic inside.
What is change/alter?
All schools need money to pay their expenses. Most of the money comes from taxes that people pay. Some of it comes from special sales. At a bake sale, parents and students donate baked goods. Students sell the items, and the money is given to the school. The people who bake and buy the goodies are the parents. So parents give money to the school to get goodies that other parents baked.
What is most of the money raised at the bake sale comes from parents?
What is before?
The time and the place in which the story occurs. The time and place can be stated or implied.
What is setting?
The little boy was new in the group. When we gave out the fruit during recess, I could tell that he wanted some. He did not ask for any because he was too TIMID.
What is shy?
Doug wheeled the stand into the room. Every time a teacher wanted a movie shown, Doug got to wheel in the cart and set up the projector. Doug worked hard to be responsible for the movie projector. He read books about projectors. He even took an old, broken one apart in shop class. Doug had fixed it! That was when Mr. Crawford told the principal that Doug should be in charge of showing movies.
What is Doug is proud of what he knows about projectors?
not, opposite of
What is non/un/dis?
The struggle the main character is having with himself, another character, or thing.
What is conflict/problem/wish?
Everyone in my family knows that I like to read. If I am reading, I do not like to be INTERRUPTED. If someone comes into my room, I tell them to come back when I am not busy.
What is stopped in the middle of something?
Ramon walked around the old man. He looked at the window to see if there was any light. A nice patch of light fell on the old man. Ramon walked around again. Finally, he found a spot he liked. He could see the old man's profile. He put down the easel. Then he put the canvas on the easel. Ramon put on a paint-covered smock. He buttoned it. Then he reached for his charcoal, pencils, brushes, and paints. He was ready to begin.
What is Ramon is taking an art class.
What is state or quality of
The action that beats out the conflict and builds to a change in the conflict.
What is rising action?
This week a new baby was born in our family. When I got home today, my mother was resting. My father was fixing supper, and he asked me not to make noise. He did not want my mother to be ANNOYED.
What is bothered?
Nick looked around the locker room and saw rows of shiny red lockers. There were showers in here too! Neat! After gym class, Nick threw his gym clothes in the locker. He snapped the door closed and went to take a shower. Then he returned to the locker but it wouldn't open. "You have to know the combination," said the kid next to him. "Uh-oh," thought Nick. "I'm going to be late for my next class."
What is Nick does not know the combination to the lock on his locker?
What is less?
The turning point in the action where you can predict the outcome of the conflict.
What is the climax?
The big box had a ribbon on it. My name was written on the box. I opened it and was very happy to see what it CONTAINED. I saw all kinds of games that I love to play.
What is held?
Students in all grades use textbooks. In high school, however, students also read other kinds of books, such as novels. Some parents do not want their children to read certain novels. They ask the school to "ban," or forbid, the book. If a book is banned, people in the school can't use it and it can't be in the school library. Some great books were banned at one time or another.
What is People change their mind about which books should be banned and which ones should not be banned.
most (when comparing)
What is est?