Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
Text Structure
What is the plot in a story?
The series of events in the story.
How do you know a text has been written to entertain?
it is a story or appeals to your emotions; it has characters, dialogue, etc.
What does it mean to compare and contrast?
to look at how two things are alike and different
What is chronological order?
when a text is written in order by time
What is the conflict of a story?
the problem
How many sentences is a main idea?
How do you know a text has been written in first person point of view?
Key words: I, me, my, us, we The narrator is the main character in the story.
What are supporting details?
Evidence that comes directly from the text and is related to or explains the information provided in the question
Explain problem and solution text structure.
the reader is presented with a problem/conflict and then the author provides a way to fix the problem
Mr. Thomas sat on the front porch of his house in a bathrobe and bunny slippers with his head in his palm. He was holding the daily newspaper. The sun shined brightly in the sky. His neighbors were coming out of their houses and getting in their cars. Mr. Thomas sighed. His neighbor Mr. Rosencrantz stepped out on his porch and saw Mr. Thomas. "Did it again, huh?" said Mr. Rosencrantz. Mr. Thomas replied, "Yep." Mr. Rosencrantz chuckled and said, "Here, Mr. Thomas, you can use my cell phone. I could even keep a key over here if you wanted." Tom thankfully grabbed the cell phone and called his wife. "Honey, I did it again." Mr. Rosencrantz heard Mrs. Thomas yelling at Mr. Thomas in a distorted high-pitched squeal. "Yes, dear. I'm so sorry. I'll see you soon," Mr. Thomas returned the phone, sighed deeply, and ran his fingers through his hair. 1. What is the thing that Mr. Thomas "did again"? 2. Why will Mr. Thomas see Mrs. Thomas soon?
1. He locked himself out of the house. 2. She will have to come unlock the door.
What does vital mean?
What is figurative language and give two examples.
language not meant to be taken literally; similes, metaphors, hyperboles, idioms, etc.
What should remember when a question asks me to conclude?
that I will make an inference using what I know and information from the text, the answer will not be directly stated in the passage
Name the type of text that is always in sequential order and give an example.
procedural text; instructions, directions, recipes, etc.
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word dreary. After the quarterback from the visiting team snuck in for another touchdown, the mood over the home team's bleachers grew quite dreary. What does dreary mean and how do you know?
sad or depressed; the other team was scoring
What two things do you need to make an inference?
what you know (background knowledge) and evidence from the text
Why does an author include figurative language in their writing?
To grab the readers attention and to help them understand or experience something in the text more clearly
Name at least three key words related to the author's purpose, to inform.
teach, tell, explain, describe, facts, details, nonfiction
Can I make inferences when trying to determine the text structure of a text? Why or why not?
NO! To determine text structure, you must have evidence directly from the text!
Emilio took the cap of his head, dropped the baseball bat, and rested his elbows on the fence. It's not that he couldn't find the ball. It was sitting right in the middle of the lawn, just beyond the fence. The fence was not very high either. Emilio could probably get a running start, grab the top of the fence, and flip right over it. But there was a dog, a large Rottweiler with a spiked collar. He sat under an awning a few feet away from the ball. He looked at Emilio and let out a menacing growl. Archie, Scotty, and Dutch ran up to Emilio and surveyed the situation. Archie was the first to speak, "So, are you going to do it, Emilio?" 1. What were the boys doing right before the text begins? 2. What problem is Emilio facing? 3. Why is this problem Emilio's instead of Archie's, Scotty's, or Dutch's?
1. playing baseball 2. he is afraid if he goes to get the ball, the dog will attack him 3. he is the one who hit the ball over the fence
What does the word convey mean?
to communicate
What does the word initially mean?
at the beginning
What does third person omniscient point of view mean?
that the reader knows the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters in the story
Identify the text structure of the following paragraph. "Eyes on the Road" For better or worse, mobile phones are changing the world; however, one place where phones are definitely making things worse is on the road. Today it is common for motorists to play with their mobile phones while driving. Drivers may get bored or impatient while waiting in traffic and use their smart phones to pass the time by checking sports scores, stock numbers, or news stories. Worse still, they may engage in text messaging. Some drivers are so used to receiving and responding to communications immediately that it does not occur to them to wait until an appropriate time to respond. As soon as they get a message, these drivers will try to read and respond to it. There are many reasons why people use cell phones while driving, but none of them are good reasons.
Cause and Effect
Use context clues to figure out the definition of bewildered. John was bewildered when he saw the math teacher writing letters on the board that were to be added and subtracted. Aren't letters for reading class? John thought to himself. What does bewildered mean and what were the clues you used to figure out the meaning?
to be confused or puzzled; his question to himself told us he was confused