  • underground bars where people would drink alcohol illegally during prohibition

  • People who brought in liquor to sell from other countries, or just generally sold, transported or provided alcohol illegally for profit




Why are labor unions important?

Union members work together to negotiate and enforce a contract with management that guarantees the things you care about like decent raises, affordable health care, job security, and a stable schedule. Better workplaces and working conditions without the fear of retaliation. 

Many people thought this was communist after WW1


Who created the Model T?

Ford Motor Company 
  • This allows consumers to purchase things they couldn't immediately afford and pay it off over time.

Installment Plan

Buying on Credit 


The manufacturing, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages was now illegal.

Prohibition(18th Amendment)


Quota System 

  • Allowed only a certain number of people in from each country. This was the first time America had taken any governmental stance against immigration. 

  • Chicago. Ran a underground group of speakeasies and shuttled in liquor.

  • Finally arrested and jailed on tax evasion charges. 

Al Capone


What was the Red Scare?

period of public fear and anxiety over the supposed rise of communist or socialist ideologies in a noncommunist state.

  • Economic and Political system based on a single party government and run by a dictator. Idea is everyone is 100% equal


  • First person to fly solo flight across the Atlantic.

Charles Lindbergh

  • This Union said anyone in trouble for teaching evolution would be defended by them for free.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Fundamentalism- literal interpretation of the bible 

  • A trial in the 1920’s Tennessee where a school teacher was put on trial for teaching evolution, and not creationism, in his classroom. This court case showed the growing divide between those who support religion and those who support religion. 

Scopes Trial 

John T Scopes Biology Teacher in Tenn

  • From 1918 to 1919

  • Spread around the world by soldiers.

  • 500,000 Americans died, and Approximately 30 million worldwide.

Flu Epidemic 1918-1919

  • term given to an up to date, trendy woman of the 20’s. Wore shorter skirts, bobbed their hair, dyed it black.

Began to drink and smoke in public. 

Women started viewing marriage as an equal partnership. 



Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall had leased Navy petroleum reserves in Wyoming, as well as two locations in California, to private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding. The leases were the subject of an investigation by Senator Thomas J. Walsh.

Teapot Dome Scandal 

  • truce that stopped the fighting of WW1 and sent soldiers home

  • Did not end the war 




This ended WW1

Made Germany take full blame and pay reparations 33 billion 

War Guilt Clause- stripped of all territory 

bad for peace

  • Woodrow Wilson’s group of Ideas after WWI that he thought would keep another war from happening in Europe in the future. Europe rejected all but the last idea because they were more interested in punishing Germany than keeping the peace)

14 points


Only Point of the 14 that was excepted was to create a ? 

League of Nations 


 first intergovernmental organization established “to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security”. from 1920-1946 and the US actually never joined due to backlash back home for isolationism 

League of Nations

Henry Cabot Lodge was huge protestor against this and help us not join it

  • This tax on imports was designed to help American businesses, but caused the entire world to become overly dependent on America’s economy. 

  • Tried to help the American Economy

  • Hurt Britain and France. Turned to Germany. Germany was broke.

  • Germany borrowed from U.S.

Fordney- McCumber Tarriff


the largest battle in American history. Over 47 days, 1.2 million American troops drove the Germans back 40 miles to the vital railway hub of Sedan. More than 26,000 American soldiers died.

Meuse-Argonne Offensive

WW1 Battle

What happened at the Washington Naval Conference 
  • Greatly reduced the number of warships each country could have 

  • USA, England, France, Italy, Japan

  • 5-5-3-2-2

  • Charles Evans Hughes, Sec. of State, “No New War Ships for 10 Years”


What was the Kellogg- Briand Pact 

  • Renounced war as a national Policy

Just about every country signed this policy.

Worthless attempt at World Peace. There was no punishment if you broke your promise. 


What were the Palmer Raids?

  • August 1919 – Palmer hunted down suspected communists, socialists, and anarchists. 

  • Used Excessive Force

  • Many arrested, no evidence of a communist takeover was found.

  • Public didn’t believe Palmer anymore.