Test Security
Testing Time
What to do before/after turning materials in?
Signed documents that show you have received training, are aware of procedures, and will fulfill your obligations and have maintained confidentiality.
What is the Oath of Test Security & Confidentiality?
State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students on April 22nd and 23rd.
What is STAAR?
#2 Pencil, Test Booklet, Answer Document, and their brains
What every student needs to take the test?
Start, break and end times, location of each tester, and location of test administrator must be recorded on me.
What is the seating chart?
Alphabetize answer sheets and test booklets
What is one way we prep for test return?
No person may view, reveal or discuss the contents of an assessment or student responses before, during or after a test unless authorized to do so for administration purposes such as oral testing.
What is Confidentiality?
4 hours
What is the time limit for all STAAR tests (unless the student is receiving an accomodation)?
Water, bathroom, stretch and snack
What are Included in the four hour testing time limit?
8:15 AM
What time should all testing begin?
These should be put in alphabetical order.
What are the test booklets and answer sheets?
Procedural and/or serious incidents that occur during testing that can cause you to lose your teacher certifications depending on the level.
What are Testing Irregularities?
You have only one, must read it before testing and use it during administration without paraphrasing it's words.
What is the STAAR manual?
April 17, 2014 before you leave campus
What is the deadline for having all walls and hallways covered and turning in buddy check forms?
Tagged & Bagged and locked in the cabinets in off position
What are all Cell Phones?
This should be completed before turning in testing materials, and it helps test administrators ensure all tasks and expectations are completed.
What is the testing checklist?
Notify your Campus Testing Coordinator immediately.
When there is a testing irregularity?
Formulas, Conversions, Graph Paper, and dictionaries
What is included (perforated pages in the test booklets) and available ?
Not sitting the entire time, walking around the classroom, not allowing talking during testing, ensuring students are seated a quiet before and after testing
What is active monitoring?
Post on the dry erase board hourly with shorter intervals in the last hour.
What is the time left for the test?
A proctor has arrived to my room after testing, and all of my materials are in order, bubbled, and double-checked so it is...
What is time to return all testing materials to the testing room?
Arrive by 7:15, count, sign, secure, complete seating chart, use testing manual, test, monitor time, review answer documents, prep materials for return, check-in, sign, relax.
What are the steps to follow on testing day?
Give instructions to stop testing, collect booklets and answer sheets, lock up materials, eat quietly in room, and take class restroom break.
What are the steps to do during the 45-minute lunch break?
Missing test documents, student takes the wrong test, students are left unmonitored, teacher helps students with questions using eye blinking or coughing.
What are serious testing irregularities (Can you pass me the classified ads, because I need a job)?
Check to make sure the student have bubbled all answers (be ready to say "You have not recorded all of your answers on the answer document"), check for stray marks, check to see if their form numbers are correct
What should be done before students turn in their tests?
include my seating chart and cover sheet in my testing tub.
What are the things I should do before turning my tests in to the office?