Before Test
During and After Test
What do you need to do in order to feel like you had enough rest on the day of the test?
What is going to bed early?
As you answer a question, what should you do at the same time?
What is bubble your answers at the same time?
What are two words that mean the same as editing?
What is corrections and mistakes?
What is a word that means the same as revising?
What is improvements?
When you hear you have two hours left, what part of the test should you be on?
What is on the writing part (Expository)?
What do you need to do in order to make sure you do not have an empty stomach so that your brain can work?
What is eating breakfast?
What does every answer choice need?
What is evidence?
What symbols should you use as you edit the sentences that are highlighted?
What are triangles for capitalization, circles for misspelled words/wrong homophones/wrong tense, and circles for all punctuation marks?
As you read, what should you focus on?
What is understanding the paper?
What are qualities of a three/four paper?
What is organization, college words, strong central idea, strong details, sensory language, similes, voice, complete sentences, spelling, meaningful transition words, and different types of sentences?
What should you not bring on the day of the test?
What is your backpack?
When you open your test booklet, what section should you start with?
What is editing and revising?
List at least five rules for capitalization.
What is beginning of sentences, proper nouns, language, race, and titles?
What color should you use for revising?
What is blue?
When you hear you have 45 minutes left, what part of the writing should you be on?
What is publishing?
What two items should you bring to school?
What are two pencils?
When you hear you have two hours left, what part of your test should you already be on? When you hear you have 45 minutes left, what part of your writing should you be on?
What is Expository Writing and publishing?
What color should you use for editing?
What is red?
What are some skills in revising?
What is adding sentences, deleting sentences, word choice, central idea, and conclusions?
What should you do when you finish publishing?
What is read it over and over again with your fluency phone so that you can correct any mistakes you have?
List the 4 materials you need when you first start your STAAR test.
What is two pieces of scratch paper, highlighter, fluency phone, and a colored pencil?
When you finish your test, what should you do until you hear you have 30 minutes left?
What is check over all of your work?
What is the different between they're, there, and their?
What is they're is the contraction they are, there is location, and their is ownership?
What strategies should you use for revising questions?
What is going back to the passage and asking yourself if it flows and does it support the paper?
List the steps in the writing process.
What is brainstorm with a circle map and one sided multi-flow map, rough draft with the boxes (expository plan), edit with a red pencil, revise with a blue pencil, and publish on the STAAR paper?